
Hollywood based motion graphics studio Laundry has kept busy and continues to updated their site with new projects as well as new project proposals. I hired Laundry for my very first Colorado Lottery TV spot a long time back while I was still at Cactus and kept an eye on their progress ever since.
written by Christopher
| tags: Hollywood, Laundry, Los Angeles, Motion Graphics

Photographer Brad Elterman is one of those people you could say has ‘been there and done that’. After picking up his first camera at 16 his first photo of Bob Dylan performing onstage was publish in 1974. That you might say lead to a life of debauchery in the seventies when leaving school at the age of 19 he hit the road traveling with acts like Leif Garret, Boney M, The Eagles and Rod Stewart just to name a few. He covered the rock scene in Hollywood capturing intimate images of some of music’s most iconic stars. He has contributed those images to publications such as US, Creem, Circus, Rolling Stone, People, Hit Parader, Phonograph Record Magazine, Rock Magazine, Rock Scene, New York Post, National Enquirer, The StarJAPAN, Music Life, Rock ShowEUROPE, Muzeik Express, Photo Foto, Pop, Pop Rocky, Bravo, Das Freizeit, Magazun, Popcorn, Poster Magazine, Oh Boy, Fabulous 208, Jackie, Sounds, New Musical Express, Melody Maker. He was also often hired for official publicity photos by major record labels including RCA, Warner Bros, MCA, Mercury, Columbia, RSO and Capitol Records.
written by Christopher
| tags: Brad Elterman, Celebrity, Hollywood, Music, Photography, Rock