
I’ve been surprised how little local press Jay Shaw AKA ‘Iron Jaiden’ has received here in Denver. He kind of quietly relocated here a few years back and has since made a major splash in the unique and reclusive world of the poster collector. He recently exhibited his first major show at the Mondo Gallery in Austin, Texas and it was received with rave reviews. You can see some updates to his personal website as well as some images of the poster created for his show with Mondo titled ‘Don’t Go Out Tonight’ featuring posters for films from the catalog of the cult studio Blue Underground at OMG Posters.
Congratulations on the success Jay.
written by Christopher
| tags: Iron Jaiden, Jay Shaw, MONDO, Posters, Screen Print

I was recently turned onto the work of illustrator Laurent Durieux from a poster he released through Dark Hall Mansion. I’ve heard it through the grapevine that he has some upcoming posters being released through Mondo as well. It’s easy to see how he attracted the attention after you take a look through his exceptional body of work.
written by Christopher
| tags: Illustration, Laurent Durieux, MONDO, Movies, Posters
This amazing laser-etched poster for the Coen Brothers version of the Movie ‘True Grit’ goes on sale tomorrow morning at a random time through Mondo. Only 33 will be released and if you have the hefty amount $450 bucks to let loose then it could be yours.
written by Christopher
| tags: Aaron Horkey, MONDO, Movies, Posters

Mondo released two new silkscreened movie posters last week, one of which included this poster by our recent interviewee Martin Ansin. We were lucky enough to grab a copy but were really amazed by the detail of the illustration. Martin told us to keep an eye out for what he would be up to later this year and we were really stunned by his work for this poster. We think it’s some of his best work to date. We can’t wait to frame and hang this one.
The variant version of the poster uses actual hieroglyphs that were confirmed as accurate by a top researcher in the field. Unfortunately, both versions of the poster are sold out but you can always take a shot at eBay.
written by Christopher
| tags: Martin Ansin, MONDO, Movie Posters, Silkscreen

Designer/illustrator and rarely do the two meet so perfectly right down the middle, Olly Moss debuted images of his soon-to-be-released Captain America posters through Mondo. Apparently these may only be released at Comicon in San Diego which will no doubt cause a stir amongst die-hard Mondo fans (myself included). They depict imagery in keeping with 1940’s WWII propaganda since that is the period in which the new film is set. They simple but wonderfully designed posters.
written by Christopher
| tags: Alamo Drafthouse, Captain America, Illustration, MONDO, Olly Moss

British vector illustrator and graphic designer Olly Moss reimagined the original Star Wars trilogy posters for Mondo. Take it from a Star Wars generation super fan (I’m buying Star Wars stuff for my little boys room) these posters are super awesome. They go on sale tomorrow at a random time and are most likely available in limited quantities. Get that checkbook out and stand by.
written by Christopher
| tags: Illustration, MONDO, Olly Moss, Star Wars Posters