
The Anthropologist has a inspiring study on display collected by photographer Phillip Toledano. Through photos and narrative he relates his story of being a somewhat reluctant father after the birth of his first daughter but eventually giving way to genuine love over the months of seeing her grow into a little human being. As an expectant father and one who has sometimes been a selfish creative bastard in the past, it was a heartfelt telling and gave me a lot of food for thought. It’s an intensely personal experience that he shares and it’s worth the read and makes the pictures all the more inspiring. Thank you for sharing your story Phillip.
written by Christopher
| tags: Parenthood, Phillip Toledano, Photography, The Anthropologist

“I’m interested in what we define as beauty, when we choose to create it ourselves.
Beauty has always been a currency, and now that we finally have the technological means to mint our own, what choices do we make?
Is beauty informed by contemporary culture? By history? Or is it defined by the surgeon’s hand? Can we identify physical trends that vary from decade to decade, or is beauty timeless?
When we re-make ourselves, are we revealing our true character, or are we stripping away our very identity?
Perhaps we are creating a new kind of beauty. An amalgam of surgery, art, and popular culture? And if so, are the results the vanguard of human induced evolution?”
Above is photographer Phillip Toledano’s explanation for the fascinating yet disturbing photo series entitled ‘A New Kind of Beauty‘.
written by Christopher
| tags: Art, Beauty, London, Phillip Toledano, Photography

I am an enormous fan of photographer, Phillip Toledano and consequently was very excited when I stumbled across a special website dedicated to a photo essay called Days With My Father. It is very emotional as well as amusing and heartwarming. Any fan of Phillip Toledano will no doubt enjoy this.
written by Christopher
| tags: Phillip Toledano, Photo Essay, Photography