

Word on the street is that there is a new issue of Faesthetic out there so think faest. I was lucky enough to be in issue number 7 (the luckiest numbered issue if anything). There is always something interesting in Faesthetic guaranteed. It is now supported by Threadless as well which means there are going to be a lot more issues now so that is also very exciting. I was lucky enough to meet Faesthetic curator and founder, Dustin last year at an art show here in Denver. I actually met him and his wife and they were both wonderful people. Dusting is sincerely just a really nice guy who loves art all the way down to his bones and does all he can to support and perpetuate creativity. So, if anything, buy and issue to support him because he deserves it.

Congratulations on the support from Threadless Dustin.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,