
SpineTV has assembled a series devoted to what may be the world’s most quirky metropolis, Tokyo. I have never been but this series has me itching to travel there as soon as humanly possible. It must truly be an amazing place. In order to view the entire series you can dig into Spine’s Vimeo account here.
Here is the description of episode 6 of the series that you can watch above:
“In episode 6 of our Tokyo City Series we visit Kokoro HQ, part of the Sanrio Group responsible for one of the most famous Japanese exports, Hello Kitty. Since their inception on 1984 Kokoro have created various ‘ofrobots’ including people friendly vending machines, massive animatronic dinosaurs and life-like ‘humanoid’ robots, developed in ‘continous observation of humans’. We meet Takeshi Mita who shows us the female actroids (actor/android) they are currently developing and tells us of his hopes for an actroid and human integrated future.”
written by Christopher
| tags: Culture, Direction, Spine TV, Tokyo, Travel
“At the 99% Conference, Rhode Island School of Design president John Maeda defines the key qualities of standout innovators – a willingness to struggle, to make mistakes, to live with ambiguity – and tackles the creative’s biggest challenge: How to lead other creatives. Perhaps confronting the status quo, killing bureaucracy, and leading change can be its own art form…”
The 99% Conference looked like it must have been a great event to attend.
Note to self: go next year.
written by Christopher
| tags: Creativity, Culture, John Maeda, The 99% Conference
I think many of us have been waiting since a trailer for this appeared some weeks/months back for the full version to hit the ‘netwaves’ and here it finally is. It’s a very well crafted short documentary.
“The film attempts to understand the essence of influence, what makes a person influential without taking a statistical or metric approach.
Written and Directed by Paul Rojanathara and Davis Johnson, the film is a Polaroid snapshot of New York influential creatives (advertising, design, fashion and entertainment) who are shaping today’s pop culture.
“Influencers” belongs to the new generation of short films, webdocs, which combine the documentary style and the online experience.”
More: influencersfilm.com
written by Christopher
| tags: Art, Culture, documentary, film, Influencers

The David report has got your 5 key design trends right here.
written by Christopher
| tags: 5 Key Design Trends, Culture, Design, The David Report

The Space Collective is one of those rare and magnificent beasts that you stumble upon and can find little words to describe. That is essentially what happened today when I found it by way of a link to a link to a link. Even still after having spent some time on the site, I really can’t even describe to you exactly what it is all about. What I do know is I like where it is going and that it is about looking at the world, and the internet a little differently. It is about wonder and I like to wonder. Our live, work, consume, die routine doesn’t account for much wonder and the irony is that wondering about things is usually what leads to the greatest ideas and innovation. So, it is nice to find a site that is encouraging people to do so in several regards. Be sure to look around the site because there is something unusual, unexpected and often times inspiring lurking just past every button click.
written by Christopher
| tags: Art, Culture, Internet, Technology, The Space Collective