Some friends of mine including Aaron, who occasionally blogs for Changethethought, worked very hard on the relaunch of the Vision Street Wear website. They did a really great job and the site turned out fantastic.
A very long time ago, when I was in highschool, Vision was kind of the skater brand of choice for a while. I think I had a Vision t-shirt or something to that effect at one time, even though I never possessed enough athletic ability to stand on a skateboard for more than 5 minutes at a stretch. There was something kind of punk rock about Vision when I was a kid that spoke to my DIY ethic. I think they are kind of rekindling those roots with some of their new merchandise. There is also an interview with me on the site that gets into a little bit of what I do and why I do it. Thanks to the Vision crew and congratulations on a successful site.
written by Christopher | tags: Fashion, Skate Boarding, Vision Street Wear