There is an enormous amount of new work posted the ‘WORK‘ section of the site now. I still have a little bit more to go in the ‘type’ section but that should be up soon enough. The great thing now is, you can actually watch the television commercials I have been making over the past couple years in the broadcast section. The section may load a little slow however, and you will need a Quicktime Plugin to view them. Sorry PC users, gotta roll with my Mac homies on that one.
On the site front, as you can see there is work being done daily to fix up the site. The entire site should be optimized soon for all browsers. I have a web development company looking it over at the moment. So, hold your breath if you are still using Internet Explorer 6, I should be there with an oxygen tank soon.
So far so good. The SEO has massively improved, virtually overnight and the traffic to the site has been increasing daily, at a rapid rate since the new site launched and that makes me happy. Please don’t be shy and use the contact section to email me any and all suggestions for news to the blog. In the future you can expect some job postings, I am hoping to get KROP on board as soon as the site is optimized across browsers. I will also soon be inviting new news editors, so the content should be even more interesting and robust.
Also, I just fixed the permalink structure of the site. You will now notice nice little titles and clean little links to all the individual postings, should you so choose to save one or link directly back to it. If you don’t know what a permalink is, and most people don’t, then fuhgedaboutit. Overall, if you have any strong feelings about the site, be sure to let me know by sending me an email using the contact section. And please don’t be shy, feel free to drop a comment by clicking the comment link under the post title to tell me how you feel. If I post something that really pisses you off, then let me know about it. I can take it, I have thick skin and I encourage debate.
Thanks again for the patience.
written by Christopher