

Concept is the highly regarded holy grail in the advertising business. If the ‘concept’ or idea behind whatever you are doing is good enough to give people pause and shine through the media then you will be raised and carried aloft on the shoulders of your fellow ad geeks. Concept is the battle cry of the agency I work for and when we work on a project we often give ourselves as much time as we can for ‘concepting’ as we call it.

I rarely post about this sort of thing here because for better or worse, this site has kind of become a site mostly about creative design, whether it be in motion graphics or for print, that is what this site has been about. I have been on the fence as to whether or not I should write more about advertising since that is what I do so maybe I should. It just doesn’t seem to interest people in design as much as it does people strictly in the ad business.

Every once in a while though I find something that crosses over because there are so many good concepts that everyone can appreciate them. The best to me is when the design also helps communicate the concept even more smoothly and then everyone wins. There was a lot of that happening in this long list of creative outdoor advertising and some of the ideas and design were just fan-friggin-tastic. They gave me a lot of ideas for when I get back to work next week. Now if only I could secure some work with the kind of client that lets you get away with something like that.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,