One Minute Dream from Trunk Animation on Vimeo.
Directed by Rok Predin
Produced by Richard Barnett
Prod: Trunk Animation
A short film about dreaming dreams.
One Minute Dream from Trunk Animation on Vimeo.
Directed by Rok Predin
Produced by Richard Barnett
Prod: Trunk Animation
A short film about dreaming dreams.
You do well to remember the name Louis Lander-Deacon who at the age of 17 is responsible for some absolutely beautiful images. His photography taps into the subconscious in a way that a much older an more accomplished artist could only hope for over the course of a career. There’s no telling where he will go but it will definitely be fun to watch him get there. Keep an eye out.
Bright, lyrical photographs fill the portfolio of Michelle Kathleen Anderson. Each quiet and contemplative image seems to be lifted from a larger story. I would love to find myself in some of the places captured within her high contrast sun-dappled picturescapes.