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This was in my email inbox this morning:
“Axtor Disney was an american cartoonist, illustrator, musician, and magician. Elder brother of Walter E. and Roy O. Disney, he along with his brothers founded The Walt Disney Company in 1923.

After many heated and sometimes violent discussions, mostly due to his very peculiar and strange work methods, and especially because of his children illustrations which can only be described as ‘queer’, he was fired from his own company and expelled from the core of the Disney family itself, situation that made him change his very own last name from Disney to “Majesto” His brothers made sure to wipe each and every piece of work that could credit his existence, burning all his sketches and his macabre collection of deformed animals.

Secluded in the darkness and mentally supressed, Axtor decides to give birth to a new company named “Espeluzland” in order to compete with the overly friendly and fantastic world of his new enemies, the Disney brothers.”

It was just too weird not to post.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,