
Burke Miles

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My friend Burke Miles was mentioned in an earlier post today but the man deserves his own space. He’s recently updated his site with a new reel and he is one of Denver’s best kept local secrets. He’s oozing with talent, he’s humble, modest and he’s a genuinely good person. All the right stuff to make for one of the best possible people to work with in Colorado. He was a part of the secret sauce here at Changethethought before we momentarily merged and then split with Friends of Mine and that is where he continues to work now. He does still accept freelance however and if you are looking for someone good to work with directly, Burke is most definitely your man. There isn’t enough room on this blog for all the good things I could say about him and I sure miss having him in my studio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Ted Open 1280

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Friends of Mine was asked to contribute to the ‘Radical Openess’ TED Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland in collaboration with illustrator and director Superdeux. A friend of mine (no pun intended) Burke Miles developed the animation using the illustrations from Superdeux. They turned out a nice little intro along with sound produced by Dynamitve Laserbeam.

Good show Burke.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Changethethought & Friends of Mine Part

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After a nearly 4 month engagement with the emerging Denver motion design and FX studio Friends of Mine, Changethethought has decided to part ways and return to it’s operations as an independent multi-disciplinary creative studio and creative brand. The decision for Changethethought to leave it’s partnership with Friends of Mine was a result of a desire to continue to push CTT further as it’s own creative brand that can live outside the scope of an entirely project-driven studio. As a result Changethethought will be moving it’s emphasis more towards freelance art direction and consulting for advertising agencies, branding, graphic design, package design, illustration, animation and motion. Projects will soon be underway to generate several new items in the Changethethought storefront to help inspire opportunities for artists, designers, typographers and illustrators that have been featured on the CTT blog to sell goods developed in direct collaboration with CTT.

Friends of Mine is quickly developing into a powerful production studio in Denver and will continue to do so. We wish FOM all the success they deserve and will continue to support their efforts.

Currently Changethethought is seeking projects, collaborations and ideas for print, branding, graphic design, illustration, motion, art direction, advertising on the blog and the development of content for the blog. Please contact us at hire(at)changethethought to discuss your next project or desired collaboration with CTT.

Thank you as always for your support of both the blog and the studio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Well this is long long overdue but I am sure many of you have noticed the blog has slowed a bit lately. The reason being is that at the start of March we launched a new venture with some old friends. Over the past two years we opened an actual creative studio under the Changethethought name and managed to work on a lot of projects for some very exciting clients. In order to take things to the next level we combined our studio with the amazing talents at Friends of Mine. Changethethought will be shifting back more toward non client-based projects like art prints, posters, exhibitions, group shows, events, etc. We’ll be looking to collaborate a lot more with other artists under this new venture and are working on plans to completely overhaul the website and how it serves the creative community.

So far we have been insanely busy with our projects through Friends of Mine. Our focus is primarily motion design, animation, 3d and illustration but we are also looking to work on print, branding and digital projects. We’ve worked for some big agencies over the past few months as well as several agencies in our home base city of Denver, Colorado. It’s been a real thrill to work alongside some of the best motion designers in the state and we will be opening a new office in July close to downtown Denver. You can check out our 2012 reel above and we recently launched a new Friends of Mine website.

Keep any eye out and please keep us in mind for any projects you might find our capabilities suitable for. And expect several changes over the next 2 years with Changethethought. We will be releasing several new prints over the coming months and are looking for new artists to collaborate with.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,