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I stumbled upon Mollusk Surf Shop tonight and was doubly impressed by the posters available for purchase and the t-shirts in stock. The site runs much deeper than that though offering up all kinds of amazing goodies. The poster shop offers up artwork from the likes of Geoff McFetridge, Thomas Campbell, Jessie LeDoux and Evan Hecox to name a few. It’s a little gold mine of good stuff supporting good artists.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


McFetridge for LWL and Huck

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The Church of London emailed while I was on holiday to let me know about the latest issues of Little White Lies and Huck magazine. Both of the current issues are running features on Spike Jonze’s Where The Wild Things Are. To commemorate the release of the film they hired Geoff McFetridge (who created the final credits for the movie) to create an illustration that can be split across the covers when they are placed next to one another. The issues were released on October 31st.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Geoff McFetridge

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Geoff McFetridge has finally launched an official website that chronicles some of his work at Champion Don’t Stop. A lot of people have been waiting a long time for him to gather some of his work on an actual site and here it is.

If you want to see the images larger, be sure to click the ‘download’ button.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


The Whitest Boy Alive – Video

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The Whitest Boy Alive was far and away one of my favorite music purchases of last year. I still listen to the album all the time. It’s a truly memorable album. I saw the video for my favorite song off the album at a film festival last year but never thought to seek it out on Youtube. The video was animated by the very talented Geoff McFetridge. He has the kind of style you either like or don’t but I happen to really like the video. The song is one of my favorite songs from last year.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,