
“MSI’s “Mark David Chapman” directed by Mike Dahlquist mikedahlquist.com/
Get the song and music video (in 3 formats including iPod, iPhone, and HQ) on the new single for “Evening Wear/Mark David Chapman”…pre-order at mindlessselfindulgence.com/mdccontest/ for a chance to get some of Jimmy’s suit worn on the IF tour!

Directed, shot, cut, and comosited by: Mike Dahlquist
3D animation and modeling by: Trenton Moore
Written by: Mike Dahlquist with help from Alex Morrison and Zack Keck
Produced by: Maxx James and James Galus
Very special thanks to: Mike’s mom and pop, David Dahlquist, Club Retro, Brad Clark, Richee Witt, Bill H & Sean Francis and all at BRAT Marketing, Andreas Katsambas and all at The End Records, Marke Reed, Victor Wlodinguer, Ken Anderson, Irma Csermak, Michael Arfin, Lucas Nedm, Trevor Fowles, Caitlin Scott, Daniel Webb, Jorden Haley, Ariel Ryan, Tom Larkin, Andrew Kramer, Mark Clark and his Auntie, Frank Casanova, Steevee OFMG, Joe Herz, and Trenton’s Mom and Dad

Original version of the song from the album “IF” – available at theomegaorder.com/msi

Pretty wild 80’s-inspired video for industrial shock rockers Mindless Self Indulgence. A little jarring but pretty damn cool.

Discovered via Surfstation, who is still going strong after all these years.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,