
I was sent some images last week from the London exhibition at the Gallery in Cork Street of the work created for the Designers Against Tibetan Abuse book. I found a nice image of a man staring down the piece I created for the book.You can see images from both DATA shows here and here. Thank you to all of the contributors and to DATA as well.
Since starting the program for DATA/Designers Against Human Rights Abuse, the group has created another publication entitled 3 Minutes. The premise of the book is to show the full extent of the Tibetan conflict through 10 diverse and extremely powerful 3-minute interviews, each describing the 3 minutes that changed their lives. ‘Contributors were asked to translate these minute interviews into 16 printed page booklets using primarily typography. The result is a book made up of 10 beautifully designed booklets from some of the world’s best designers showcasing considered and stunning typography.’
The London exhibition sold out and raised £5,000 for charity (personally, I wish it had been more). It was a great idea and I hope the founders continue on and keep moving the cause forward with more projects and exhibitions to continue to raise money. You can read more about DATA/DAHRA here.
written by Christopher
| tags: DATA, Designers Against Tibetan Abuse, Graphic Design

The Designers Against Tibetan Abuse (DATA) that I contributed to will be on Sale February 2nd, 2009.
A limited edition silk screen poster created by Si Scott will also be going on sale with only 50 having been printed. There will also be an exhibition in London featuring work from the book in the Summer of 2009.
As a little refresher, the book features work from 52 creatives from around the world, including Changethethought. The contributing designers were asked to create pieces focussing on different aspects of Tibetan Rights. The book will be available for only £15 + postage. All proceeds go to the Tibet Relief Fund, who are also distributing the book.
You can see a little preview of what you are in for here. Its a great cause to contribute to so it is a win win here. A book to use as a good source of inspiration and money going to a good cause.
written by Christopher
| tags: DATA, Designers Against Tibetan Abuse, Graphic Design

Here is a little refresher about DATA, whom I wrote about a few months back:
DATA (Designers Against Tibetan Abuse) is a new organization that has come together recently and opened a new project that will include a book featuring various designers, digital artists, illustrators and photographers joining together to raise awareness of the terrible issues faced by the Tibetan people.
All proceeds derived from the sale of the book will go to charity and if we have enough people express a willingness to participate we will take our idea to the following charities:
Tibet Foundation
Tibet Society
I was asked to contribute to the book and I actually designed 3 different A3 sized posters before finally landing on something I liked with the third design. I usually work in A3 format and it was just a happy accident that was the size designated by the project. I settled on using a Buddhist symbol called the endless knot. The endless knot is symbolic of Buddha’s mind and represents endless wisdom and compassion and is meant to be reminiscent of the cyclic reality of existence. I felt it was a good symbol for the seemingly cyclic bondage that Tibet finds itself in and cannot seem to escape and yet despite this they have maintained a certain kind of spiritual peace throughout this state of occupation. However, I also wanted to envoke a little bit of a call to arms by speaking directly towards the ‘Free Tibet’ chant you can’t really seem to escape in trendy culture. I have felt that without real action that statement seems a little hollow and I wanted people to think about that.
The chosen design I am referring to is the top of the 3 images above. The following two were designs I decided to reject. I wanted the final product to be as direct as possible and I felt the first design brought the message home the best without muddying the idea too much. I will post more later about DATA after the book has been published. You can see them along with the rest of my work in the print section.
written by Christopher
| tags: Changethethought, DATA, Designers Against Tibetan Abuse, Posters

DATA (Designers Against Tibetan Abuse) is a new organization that has come together recently and opened a new project that will include a book featuring various designers, digital artists, illustrators and photographers joining together to raise awareness of the terrible issues faced by the Tibetan people.
All proceeds derived from the sale of the book will go to charity and if we have enough people express a willingness to participate we will take our idea to the following charities:
Tibet Foundation
Tibet Society
Some confirmed participants are:
Adhemas Batista, Alex Trochut, Bram Timmer, David Carvalho (Karpa) Greig Anderson, Pawel Nolbert (hellocolor), Pete Harrison (Aeiko), Mike Harrison (Destill), Si Scott, Justin Maller (superlover and depthcore), Diogo Potes (six letter word) etc.
Right now participation in the project is by invite only. I was invited earlier this week and I was honored to be considered as this is an issue I have strong opinions about and I am always happy and excited to contribute towards something I feel is a good cause.
DATA is also currently looking for designers to volunteer to make a functioning website. If you are interested please contact: info@designersagainsttibetanabuse.com
This is a good thing to be involved in so if you do know someone who can help with their site, please do contact them.
You can learn a little more at the current DATA site.
written by Christopher
| tags: DATA, Designers Against Tibetan Abuse, Free Tibet