Ryan Brinkerhoff has some really nice prints up for sale at Bandito Design Co. The print above kind of made my entire typographical day and you can buy it at Etsy for only $20 bucks.
Ryan Brinkerhoff has some really nice prints up for sale at Bandito Design Co. The print above kind of made my entire typographical day and you can buy it at Etsy for only $20 bucks.
A really nice set of silk-screen prints from Richard Perez hit the internets today via Etsy. I really dig them and someone was nice enough to email me a link today to let me know of their release. They are reasonably priced and would look pretty good on a while behind a turntable if you know what I’m sayin’.
I ran across the work of illustrator Matias Vigliano today and really dig his style. He also has an Etsy shop with some really nice prints in it.