

Comments Off on W.E.L.C.O.M.E.Art

Adam Batchelor and Christopher Joyner have created an online gallery currently based in the east of England called W.E.L.C.O.M.E. There is some interesting work being represented so far and the venture looks promising considering the cache of talent. The ‘sole purpose’ of the gallery is in providing a new and innovative space for young upcoming artists to showcase and sell print editions of their work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Sebastian Foster

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Sebastian Foster is an Austin-based contemporary art gallery that features some excellent work from several artists (including the talented Betsy Walton who is responsible for the image above). You can purchase original works of art from the website as well. It’s a rare and unique opportunity to get your hands on some original work for your collection at home.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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The London based gallery, ‘PlanetPatrol’ is curating a small retrospective of work from contemporary Japanese artist Sal. The exhibition will take place from the 21st November through to the 26th. At 133-137 Westbourne Grove, W11 2RS London. Sal will be in attendance & painting live at the preview. The ‘Project Room’ of the gallery will also feature a selection of international artists from both PlanetPatrol & Gallery Nosco. Artists will include: Matt Small, Dave the Chimp, SheOne, Peter Taylor, Jaws, Brusk-Plisson, Collin van der Sluijs, Eduardo Recife, Bom.K & Bruno9li.

Sounds like good gig.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,