

Comments Off on TnacirArt


Although you could say the name ‘Tnacir’ is a little questionable, it’s hard not to like the combination of contemporary art nudes with patterns using a warm muted color palette.  You can see them in the Tnacir Flickrfolio. I wish I knew more about this artist but I guess the work speaks for itself.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


Kustaa Saksi: Updates

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Kustaa Saksi has updated with a new website and it is brimming with colorful and exciting design and illustration work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Deanne Cheuk

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Deanne Cheuk has a new website featuring some impressive work. The typography is top shelf and the pattern work is simply gorgeous.


written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Maija Louekari

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Finnish designer/artist Maija Louekari has a solid grasp on her color work and style. Her work is simple in execution but her layouts employ a sophisticated selection of eye-pleasing colors. It’s hard not to like her work and envision some of it hanging on a wall in your home.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


The Pattern Foundry

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The Pattern Foundry is an archive of decorative patterns, created by designers and artists the world over such as Reala , Karel Martens, Körner Union, Dexter Sinister, Paul Elliman, Wim Crouwel, and several others. The website isn’t exactly user friendly but I absolutely love patterns and I am always on the lookout for new ones and this site is a nice little resource to be sure.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,