
Madder Red – Yeasayer

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If you haven’t had the chance yet to listen to Yeasayer’s last album this might be a nice little icebreaker for you. This is the video for the single ‘Madder Red’ off of the album Odd Blood irected by Andreas Nilsson, starring the absolutely delectable Kristen Bell. I could think of worse things than being her pet even if it meant you had to be a bleeding sack of meat.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Yeasayer – ONE

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If you have yet to give the new Yeasayer album ‘Odd Blood’ let this new video directed by Radical Friend serve as the extended hand into one of the better albums to have been released so far in 2010. There is a strange kind of ‘Star Wars’ cantina thing happening in the video mixed up with some kind of 80’s post-apocalyptic Cyndi Lauper dance rave. You can grab the rest of the credits for the video here at the Vimeo page.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Yeasayer – Ambling Alp

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I am digging this new video for Yeasayer’s latest single ‘Ambling Alp’. I apologize but I can’t seem to track down who directed or produced the video. But I dig it.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,