
Richard Lent

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Richard Lent the founder and CEO of Agencynet, whom I consider a friend and have worked with in the past will be speaking this Thursday as a part of the Outside Voices series for the New Denver Ad Club. He’ll be talking about what has been on everyone’s mind lately in the ad industry. Namely, how completely insane it is right now and just how much crazier it is going to get (which is anyone’s guess). He will be speaking in downtown Denver at the Hotel Curtis at 5:45 September 23rd (this Thursday).

Richard is a really smart guy and has managed to keep carrying his company aloft during these turbulent times and I know for a fact he has a lot of knowledge to share. It will definitely be worth the trip. You can register for the event here. I will be there and I hope to see you too.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Agencynet: Relaunch

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My old friends at Agency Net have burned even more midnight oil than usual to launch a new and spectacular version of their website that now also features a view of their Manhattan office. I was there a year back or so working on the last version of Own Your C and just had the time of my life. They were responsible for co-concepting, designing and developing both versions of Own Your C. It’s a tough thing to materialize something from a concept thrown at you by and ad agency but they managed to do it brilliantly every time we called them. I can’t say enough good things about them and their staff. I made some real friends there and the owner and founder, Rich is one of the more inspiring and motivated people I have met in my life. They pour their hearts into every project they take on and take their work extremely serious scrutinizing every last detail. I wish desperately that I will have the opportunity to work with them again in the future. They are wonderful people from top to bottom (NYC all the way down to Fort Lauderdale). Hey Agencynet, give me a ring. I miss you.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,