
Space Knuckle: Updates

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Josh A.K.A. Space Knuckle sent me some emails this week to notify us that he had updated his Flickr-folio with a new experimental portrait series. The study yielded some interesting results including some very fun animated gifs. Thanks for the update Josh and please keep the email submissions coming. It’s a lot easier than picking through the hundreds and hundreds of websites that I check every week.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


I Am Not An Artist

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A total of 56 animated gifs were created for ELISAVA School of Design’s annual campaign for ‘I Am Not An Artist‘. The gifs were concepted, creative directed and designed by Soon in Tokyo. Direction and animation came from Johnny Kelly and Matthew Cooper. The eventual goal is for the site to serve as a platform with participation from young designers and creatives all over the world (I hope old designers are welcome too. Am I the only one tired of the ‘hip’ age discrimination in the design field?)

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


David Ope

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I am pretty sure I have posted animated gifs from David Ope before but there are some new and even crazier ones up now that are definitely worth checking out.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


David Ope

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It’s been a long time since I have posted any animated gifs but here are some really amazing examples by David Ope discovered via Today and Tomorrow.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Elizabeth Heppenstall

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There are some very strange things happening withing the portfolio of Elizabeth Heppenstall. Not the least of which is her animated gif series titled simply ‘Boys’.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Santtu Mustonen

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Still and moving illustrations from Santtu Mustonen.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


You Make Me So Happy

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Nicolas Sassoon has a wild and imaginative archive or animated gifs that you can spend a fair amount of time picking through. I picked one to share but it’s best to visit and discover the rest for yourself.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Animated Gif Picks 4

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And the gifs just keep on comin’.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Hoax Hoax Hoax

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Hoaxhoaxhoax has an interesting and varied body of design work. The animated gif alphabet is fantastic. I just sat and watched it for several minutes. It’s even more cool considering it was created using ink, subwoofer, plastic, foamboard, tape and an MP3 player.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Animated Gif Picks 3

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Well, I am going to keep this going every week as long as I can keep up the motivation. So here are a few more interesting finds from some recent web browsing sections. I found a couple at Dropular but almost all of them come from Gif Anime.

written by Christopher | tags: ,


Mark Portillo

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There are some really cleverly illustrated animated gifs in blog-folio of Mark Portillo.

Via Today and Tomorrow.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Teenocide opened my mind to an entirely new world of possibilities with animated gifs. I had no idea you could do so much with them. Really amazing and totally trippy. I don’t even know what to file this one under.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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WTF is happening at Videogramo you might be inclined to ask? And I would answer, I really have no idea other than to say that I had never considered just how bizarre and creepy gif animations could be and feel enlightened to have found out.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,