
Untitled Army

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Lucas Bueno de Camargo has updated his ongoing artistic experimentation site at Untitled Army with new, wild, imaginative, colorful and psychedelic illustrations.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Michael Freimuth

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It’s been over a year since I last wrote about art director, designer and illustrator Michael Freimuth. He’s continued to fill his portfolio with unusual and yet original work that showcases a wide range of talent. He works full time as an art director at Tender in Manhattan. He is also the creative director at large for Chicago based magazine and design journal Matériel.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Cactus Is Hiring In Denver

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As some of you may or may not know I work as an Art Director at Cactus, an advertising agency in Denver. We are growing right now in a big way and we are currently and for the first time in over two years, seeking some new people for our creative team. Essentially we are seeking an Art Director and Copywriter. We need an Art Director who is quick and capable of producing with a solid understanding of core design principles like typography, composition, color and is able of incorporating those elements into branding and advertising. In turn, you also need to be highly conceptual and able to think through all mediums in terms of creative problem solving such as new media, web, broadcast, print and branding. Our copywriters are quick on their feet and capable of making the most of jobs both large and small for a broad range of clients.The official Cactus description and contact information is posted below (note: we are hiring NOW and looking for people to bring on board as soon as possible so if you have the right stuff do not hesitate to contact us.)

“At Cactus, CREATIVE is KING. Our village is growing and we’re looking for a great new “mid-level” creative team (two-years of great stuff): a copywriter and art director tandem. If you’ve got the book to prove it, and you’re half or the whole team, we should talk. We’re looking for the right duo — a copywriter/AD combination who can throw together concepts that stick. Don’t be shy if you’re only half of the equation, we can do the matchmaking if necessary.While a good resume, relevant experience and strong references are important, we require you have an impressive portfolio and creative work samples to be considered for a position with us. If you’re interested, send your resume to 303.455.0408 (fax) or careers@sharpideas.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with “creative team” in the subject line.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,



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New York City Art Director Jesse Kaczmarek, originally hailing from Minnesota because the Midwest is Best has some really stunning work at his very silky Flash website. I had him pegged before Christmas but was lazy at getting him up on the blog. His work is genuinely inspiring though and it is great to see someone who reduces to simplicity as opposed to adding to much decoration. I am often guilty of the latter.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,