My university kept a strict curriculum of design history courses paired with courses devoted to the study of typography. Our program was closely allied to the Bauhaus and as a result I drank in a large gulp of the work of Herber Matter. His work was a distinct influence of several of my fellow students so I was thrilled to uncover via the ever-great Grain Edit that there will soon be a documentary released about his work. Hopefully a documentary about the great Herbert Bayer will soon follow.
You can watch a preview above and read the entire post about the making of the documentary and it’s release over at Grain Edit.
written by Christopher
| tags: grain edit, Graphic Design, Herbert Matter, History, Typography

After WWII several Latvian writers were relocated to different corners of the world. Some settled in Great Britain, USA and Canada. They went on to begin their own publications and a new generation of writers emerged. A magazine that surfaced as a result of this new generation was Jauna Gaita (the new course). The covers of Juana Gaita during the 50s through the 70s captured the spirit of this era. Although many of these publications are no longer in print, Jauna Gaita still is.
You can now see 50 covers of Jauna Gaita at their official website.
This seriously is one of the most exciting sources of inspiration I have discovered in the past year. The covers are just gorgeous, every single one of them. I would love to have a huge series of these to hang at home. Absolutely stunning.
A huge thank you to Grain Edit for uncovering these timeless works of graphic design.
written by Christopher
| tags: Classic, grain edit, Graphic Design, Juana Gaita