Hello Hikimori has updated with some interesting new work. Again, I am sure this has probably been mentioned in just about every design blog out there but Hello Hikimori works pretty hard to earn the tip of the hat.
Hello Hikimori has updated with some interesting new work. Again, I am sure this has probably been mentioned in just about every design blog out there but Hello Hikimori works pretty hard to earn the tip of the hat.
Hello Hikimori has officially opened their online storefront for business. It appears that they will be frequently updating with more goods, so it may be worth keeping an eye out.
Why when the first set of prints are combined do they spell out the name ‘ETHAN’?
I have absolutely no idea.
Hello Hikimori has updated their website and portfolio with several new projects. It’s a loud browser-overtaking experience but they are good at what they do.