

Comments Off on AutodidaktTypography


Autodidakt is the portfolio of Göran Söderström who began designing typefaces in 2006. He has since had typeface families picked up by several foundries including Veer.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



Comments Off on Hiekkagraphics – PaleTypography


Hiekkagraphics has released a new display typeface called Pale that you can find here and see in action here. The letter ‘Q’ is always one of the rocks that the typeface ship is broken upon and for what it’s worth, it’s probably my favorite character within Pale.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


YWFT – Arco Typeface

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The new typface, Arco has been released by the clever people behind You Work For Them. The font was designed by Nicolas Massi and is available for $30 smackers.

I just really love the color choices in the smaple layout above.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


The New You Work For Them

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YWFT has arguably been the single most reliable one-stop-shop for graphic designers looking for typefaces, original stock imagery, patterns, vectors, inspirational books and just about anything else you could think of. Well ‘the best just got better‘ with an all new website featuring faster downloads, exclusive material and bigger images.

YWFT really has been around for a while and it really has become one of the best sources of just about everything, so if you have never visited, this is a better time than ever. Some of the new stock image libraries on the home page, an image from which you can see above, already make it worth a new visit.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,