Just something we stumbled upon and though was cool. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Just something we stumbled upon and though was cool. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Gif shop is kind of a cool little app for your iPhone that allows you to make animated gifs via the camera in your phone and then publish them quickly. If you are infatuated by the animated gif medium it’s a great way to experiment with it. It would be cool to see someone do an entire stop motion animation with it that lasted more than just a few frames. I could imagine if done right you could probably generate something pretty cool. You can watch the how to above and find out more at gifshop.tv.
Not entirely sure where this originated but I plucked it from the Tumblrverse here. I just thought it was a fine little bit of animated gif goodness and decided it must be shared here.
Experimental psychedelic animated gif depot Teenocide has added a few new gems lately for the animated gif crowd.
These come compliments of FFFFound and my friend and coworker Matt Chiabotti. He has been on the lookout for these lately and pointed me in the right direction.
More because you can’t have enough animated gifs in your life.
I had to start a new category for this.
I selected a few that I liked from Fuck Yeah Gifs but there is a lot more where that came from. Animated gifs are just a good time. Period.
The animated gif I posted last week got such a huge response that I figured I would start posting one here and there. I first peeped this one at Dropular.