“For FITC Amsterdam 2013, we created these titles based on the creative designed by mr Bradley G Munkowitz (aka GMUNK)
Since Bradley was already working on the creative for the print campaign of FITC Amsterdam 2013, and we loved his design work, we decided to step in and give FITC a complete and cohesive visual package instead of visually creating something completely new or different.
And so here it is.. our “Pyradical” main titles for FITC Amsterdam 2013. Pure disco!”
Produced for FITC Amsterdam 2013. More info at fitc.ca/amsterdam
Design & Concept: GMUNK (gmunk.com/)
Production & Direction : ONESIZE (onesize.com)
Type Font Design: Brian M Gosset (briangossett.com/)
Music & Sound Design: MassiveMusic (massivemusic.com/)
The soundtrack was composed and designed by our friends @ MassiveMusic Amsterdam
Man I want to go to this so bad this year. Hmm. How to talk my wife into letting me go to Barcelona.
written by Christopher
| tags: FITC, Gmunk, motion design, Typography

A friend pointed me to the experimental work of the notorious Gmunk. If you can remember back in the day, probably a generation ago now (yeah I am that old and so is Gmunk) he was a red hot Flash designer as much as he was a motion and 3D animator. You can still see a little bit of that old skillset represented on his experimental site.
written by Christopher
| tags: Animation, Coding, Experimental Work, Flash, Gmunk

Have you heard of Black Swan yet? Oh no? They are a motion design powerhouse established by quite possibly some of the most talented young motion designers on the West Coast. And they are already kicking ass and taking names. They might not have a ton of work on their site yet, but trust me they are working on some amazing projects. Keep an eye firmly planted on this studio in the future. They are just getting started and I am already expecting some phenomenal work.
written by Christopher
| tags: 3d, Gmunk, motion design, SF

It’s been an extremely long time since anyone heard from Bradley G Munkowitz and that’s because he spent the entirety of 2010 in the dark, up late at night constructing 12 minutes of holographic animation sequences for the movie Tron. It was a motion designers dream come true and he produced some truly phenomenal work for the film. He’s continued to be a force of nature in the industry and is often described as ‘crazy’ but ‘amazing’ by his peers but if you really want to know or understand his genius all you have to do is look through his work.
written by Christopher
| tags: 3d, Black, Gmunk, motion, Tron

Remember Gmunk from way back in the day? If you have been a design junky as long as I have, I am betting you do. I have wondered for a while where he has been and what he has been up to and he has just posted a new reel with a new site to follow soon. His work is better than ever and it looks like he has been incredibly busy.
written by Christopher
| tags: Animation, Gmunk, Graphic Design, Motion Graphics