
Gmunk: Experimental Work

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A friend pointed me to the experimental work of the notorious Gmunk. If you can remember back in the day, probably a generation ago now (yeah I am that old and so is Gmunk) he was a red hot Flash designer as much as he was a motion and 3D animator. You can still see a little bit of that old skillset represented on his experimental site.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Anatomy of a Mashup

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“A mashup is a song created by blending two or more other songs. The more complex a mashup gets, the harder it is to distinguish the parts that are being used to create what you’re hearing. This visualisation of the song “Definitive Daft Punk” by Cameron Adams dissects a mashup in realtime to show you how each of the 23 parts contributes to the greater whole.”

Super fun little project to watch. It would be great to see some more songs loaded in there maybe a little somethin’ somethin’ by Girl Talk. Just a suggestion.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Untitled Army

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Brazilian Lucas Camargo A.K.A. ‘Flash’ is currently a Senior Art Director for F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi. He has a wild and varied body of work that features a vivid imagination and some really raw talent. He more than capable of shifting from pencil to screen and does so in style.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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There is some nice old-school Homestar Runner-style animation in this little animated vid by Joe Bichard and Jack Cunningham.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Inside Piet

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Piet Dewijngaert is a Flash Developer out of Leuven, Belgium whose website has to be more experienced than just viewed. It’s bizarre and maybe even a little irritating but there is no arguing that he is using the website itself as an artistic canvas to literally paint his Flash into.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



Comments Off on Joshua Davis: UpdatesGraphic Design


Longtime interactive design hero-rockstar Joshua Davis has updated his website after a very very long time. Most the the updating consists of his now signature Flash-generative artwork. He has been around the block and is still standing. You can trace him all the way back to the internet will save the world boom in the late nineties through today. I remember watching an interview with him in college and being excited by the collision of art and technology and the influence of that collision on the future of design.

The question is, how relevant is he now? I personally still like some of what he is doing, but I am curious to prod the audience here for a little feedback. What do you think of him and his work now? Is it still on the bleeding edge or has he been overexposed?

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Just when you start to think that Flash experimentation is at a standstill someone like Cartelle comes along and just has fun with it. None of it is necessarily new but that doesn’t mean playing around with it isn’t still a really great time.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Neave Interactive Playground

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Paul Neave has relaunched his digital playground with some really beautiful work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Cobra Creative: Updates

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Cobra Creative is keeping Flash alive with one of the most bad-ass homepages I have seen in a while. They have an all new website stocked full of new work as well.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Joe Mease

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My friend and local Denver web designer/developer Joe Mease has relaunched his website. Joe is one of Denver’s best kept secrets and has developed sites for some of the best agencies in the city. He also happens to be a incredibly nice guy and you just absolutely cannot miss if you are looking for a consistently amazing Flash developer.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


OFF Lisbon Titles

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Devoid of Yesterday title sequence for the OFFF Lisbon event in May 2008.

Rob and Chris shot “various sea life in a studio using macro lenses to act as a metaphor for the conference both taking place in Portugal and to have a closer look at the speakers and their way of thinking”.

Audio by Ben Lukas Boysen


written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Fluidesign: Update

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Fluidesign out of the great city of Angels has updated their site with some glitzy flash and even more glitzy work. It must be a tough job photographing some of those models.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Uniqlo Try

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There has been some amazing creative generated for Uniqlo lately and Uniqlo Try was a site I saw a while back that slipped my mind as far as posting it here. It really is an amazing website conceptually and a current project I am working on was in part inspired by this thinking. Fundamentally the website visually outputs the statistical data gathered by summing up the comments of 343 surveyed Uniqlo customers. Apparently they were surveyed in Uniqlo dressing rooms as I was told recently by a colleague. The site was designed by Simone in Japan. It’s a brilliant way to use Flash to flesh out an interesting concept as opposed to just using it for entertainment value.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Mr Doob

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Holy crap there is some totally awesome actionscript experimentation going on at the new blog of Mr. Doob. Man that guy is amazing, sincerely. There are just so many awesome things at his site. I am just blown away every time I visit. Spend some time clicking around, you will not be disappointed. I personally guarantee it.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,