
Nando Costa: TLC

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I just returned the week before last from a 3 week trip to Brazil. My wife’s family (in case you don’t know) is from Northern Brazil. Teresina to be exact. So I spent a few weeks there along with a trip to Parnaiba and a few days at the beach for Carnival in Luís Correia. Yes it was nice.

I am always curious as to what is playing on TV when I am on the flipside of the equator and immediately noticed some standout branding spots for TLC and after a little research uncovered they were of course done by none other than Brazilian motion designer Nando Costa.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


New Cosmos

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Nando Costa sent in this recent promotional spot for the Cartoon Network. It’s of course amazing as is everything his hand seems to touch. We were thrilled just to see his name in our inbox. He worked in tandem with the amazing people at Superfad on this and you can see the enormous list of talent below. We have worked on projects similar to this in the past and you’ll have to take our word for it that producing something like this is extremely difficult. Excellent work again Nando.

Client: Cartoon Network Latin America
Writer/Producer: Manoela Muraro
Production Coordinator: Equana Davis

Production Company: Superfad
Director: Nando Costa
DP: Steve McGehee
Line Producer: John Gomez
Executive Producer: Chris Volckmann

Animation & Post: Superfad
Creative Director: Nando Costa
Art Director: Sean Dekkers
Character Design: Sean Dekkers, Patrick Clarke, Julieta Rodriguez
Lead 3D Artist: Matt Guzzardo
Technical Director: Robin Scher
Modeling/Rigging: Patrick Clarke, Adam Rosenzweig, Andrew Butterworth
Animation: Patrick Clarke, Greg Bekken, Ian Mankowski
Lighting/Texturing: ShuChen Lin
Simulations/FX: Phipat Pinyosophon
Lead Compositor: Joel Voelker
Compositors: Marco Giampaolo, Lu Liu
2D Animation: Nando Costa, Sean Dekkers
Editor: Ryan Haug
Colorist: Joel Voelker
Producer: Jen Schmithorst
Executive Producer: Chris Volckmann

Sound design: JC Richardson
Studio: Magick Lantern
Voiceover: Ethan Major

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Nando Costa – Sudala

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This Fall Nando Costa visited Chile to speak at a design conference called Sudala. For the event, he created a custom typography piece. He captured the creation of the work recording his screen. The recording was later played at the event. The illustration was made with no prior planning and really illustrates just how talented Costa is. We were watching it this afternoon in our studio and were once again impressed by Costa’s genuine talent.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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You can thank Nando Costa for this compelling title sequence for this years Flash on the Beach event which I had honestly never heard of until I watched these titles. Nando is extraordinarily talented in the realm of motion and animation. He used metals with magnetic properties to accomplish this sequence and I especially enjoyed how the style and video do the heavy lifting while the typography is treated so exquisitely simple that it almost isn’t there. It’s a delicate balance that works very well.

I recently emailed Nando about my own studio but alas, never got a response. Well, here’s to him and his work regardless because I consider him one of the very best in the field.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Nando Costa 2010 Reel

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Talented motion designer Nando Costa uploaded a new reel for 2010 a couple of days ago. You can now also view his complete body of work at archive.nandocosta.com.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Nervo Zune Branding

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Nervo sent me an email about their recent work for Zune. I know I have written about Nervo in the past but if you are unfamiliar with their brilliant work, now is a good time to get familiar.

Here is a what Nervo had to say about the project:
This set of 6 animations is a small branding package we have created for Zune Creative. The animated set will essentially work as interstitials, which the brand will use at events and other situations where other videos need to be accompanied by the Zune brand.

The brief for this project was quite open, which led us to explore different animation techniques and a more subjective concept. The Zune Creative team granted us a lot of freedom from the start, including creating the music and sound effects. Our approach was to connect various abstract associations to music: from relating it with the pleasure of eating candy (Zune Sweets), to the idea of users communicating and sharing music (Zune Hair), to the idea of tranferring music from one place into another, sharing (Zune Boxes) all the way to the idea of change, adaptation and collage of tastes, personalities, preferences / customization (Zune Liquid & Cages).”

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,