
Arcade Fire – The Suburbs

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I have expressed just how much I love the newest album from Arcade Fire and what a poignant album ‘The Suburbs’ is for someone in their 30s reflecting back on their childhood and wondering at what point do you begin calling yourself an ‘adult’. I can’t think of a better director to communicate that loss of innocence and those inner rumblings than Spike Jonze and that is exactly what he has achieved in this music video for the title track of the album. It’s beautiful and it’s pure Spike Jonze. It also works absolutely perfectly with the music. Bravo.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


The Wilderness Downtown

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The Wilderness Downtown is an interactive video by Chris Milk that taps into Google Earth to give you a unique personal experience and interpretation of the song ‘We Used to Wait’ off of Arcade Fire’s latest album ‘The Suburbs’.

I recently heard Arcade Fire described at an advertising workshop as one of those bands that just ‘gets it’. What I think that referred to is their ability to understand that music is experiential and should be engaging. The digital environment should be embraced and used accordingly by musicians instead of being seen as a threat. Bravo for my favorite band.

Via The Denver Egotist.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Arcade Fire – Art

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I received an email a long time back from photographer Gabriel Jones sharing his photographs taken for the cover of Arcade Fire’s recent album ‘The Suburbs‘. Why I never posted it, I honestly have no idea. My interest in the subject was renewed after purchasing the album the week before. last. I honestly cannot stop listening to it. It’s one of the best albums I have purchased all year and it works as an entire album which is a rare thing to find these days. The songs combine to tell a story, relay an emotion and there is an arc in the storytelling if you stick with the album. It’s their best album yet and I didn’t think they could outdo their first but ‘The Suburbs’ is fantastic in my opinion.

So with that in mind, you can check out Gabriel’s photography for the album and also the artwork produced for the album by Caroline Robert. And when you are done viewing the art that went into the album you should consider purchasing a copy as well. You won’t be disappointed.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,