“A recalcitrant bicycle thief falls in love with the bicycle he’s stolen. Inspired by the films of François Truffaut. Created by Budnitz Bicycles, directed by Russ Lamoureux, produced by Partizan.”
Budnitz Bicycles was actually founded by Kid Robot founder Paul Budnitz who now resides in Boulder. He’s brought some serious talent to our local community here and he keeps inspiring through his entrepreneurial efforts and unceasing love for creativity.
written by Christopher
| tags: Boulder, Budnitz Bicycles, Kid Robot, Paul Budnitz

“Berger & Föhr is a Boulder-based multidisciplinary design Studio. We practice cohesive visual communication characterized by modernism, minimalism and the search for objectivity. We employ a comprehensive methodology emphasizing clear and concise communication – to create lasting, considered work.”
Berger & Föhr is run by a friend of mine who I haven’t seen much of in the past few years. It’s been a delight to watch their transformation though and I think they are bringing a needed element to the design and advertising scene here in Colorado. Positioning themselves as they have is a smart move and they are doing well as a studio because of it. I applaud the approach and congratulate them on their recent movie and new website.
written by Christopher
| tags: Berger & Föhr, Boulder, Branding, Graphic Design, Print

If you are looking for a decent preexisting WordPress theme through which to host your portfolio it can be a pain in the ass tracking one down. Boulder-based BKW&Co put together this seriously excellent set of themes specifically for that purpose and considering the headache saved they are available at a very reasonable price. The set of themes is titled W-Portfolio and we will be utilizing one of them for our updated portfolio (although we will be slightly modifying it) when we relaunch our Changethethought.tv domain that isn’t yet active.
written by Christopher
| tags: BKW&Co, Boulder, Portfolio, Wordpress Themes

BKW&Co is a forward thinking design office located near Boulder, Colorado. They have some very good looking work in their portfolio and we have recently been in touch about hopefully working on some projects together in the coming year.
written by Christopher
| tags: BKW&Co, Boulder, Graphic Design, Illustration

Drew Levin is a local Boulder, Colorado based photographer with an absolutely astounding eye for capturing intensely personal and stunningly beautiful moments that any average viewer would miss. He snapped some amazing photos earlier last month of the Four Mile Canyon fire. It’s sadly ironic that such beautiful images stemmed from such a tragic event. It’s always a pleasure however to stumble upon another gifted local.
written by Christopher
| tags: Boulder, Colorado, Drew Levin, Photography

Local Boulder graphic designer Justin Fuller is the co-founder of Table 2 Press and also has a skilled hand when it comes to graphic design. He has some clean and crisp work in his portfolio that is not lacking in personality and somehow manages to maintain a hint ‘of Colorado-ness’. You local peeps will know what I mean. It makes for a fun body of likeable work.
written by Christopher
| tags: Boulder, Graphic Design, Justin Fuller, Pencil Plus Paper

My friends and Boulder/Denver locals Cypher 13 (alter ego Joyengine) have been really busy this year and just keep getting better at what they are busy at. You can see the results of some of their more recent efforts in their recently relaunched website. Great work guys.
written by Christopher
| tags: Boulder, Cypher 13, Graphic Design, Joyengine

My buddies at Cypher 13 (the guys behind Joyengine) have launched a new version of their website that is looking really great. They never cease to amaze me. Their new site looks great and functions perfectly for a portfolio site. There is also some really good work to browse through as well.
They work so damned hard and just refust to stay static. They are always pushing to get better at what they do and I have been sincerely inpired by how much progress they have made over the last couple years that I have known them. I don’t make it up to Boulder to see them hardly ever and I need to make an effort because I miss them. They are great guys and just continue to keep pushing themselves. That pushing is starting to translate into some well-deserved success for them. Props fellas.
written by Christopher
| tags: Boulder, Cypher 13, Graphic Design, Joyengine

I need to get a little more local Colorado love out there on the blog lately but I have had trouble lately keeping up on my emails, my fulltime gig as an Art Director and the 8 million things I have going outside of work. With that said, Table 2 Press has been emailing me for a while now to write something up about them. They are a Boulder, Colorado-based screen printing house with some real skill. The Roots poster above is tantamount to that fact.
Here is a direct copy of their ‘about’ write-up from their website:
“Table2Press was formed in 2004 by four friends / designers who wanted to screenprint and design posters. We love providing a visual extension to the live music experience and are available to work on a variety of projects. If you ask nicely, chances are we can help you out, however, none of us wear black all the time or are familiar with 18th century epiphanal novels. We try as hard as we can to not include the following in our posters: birds, trees*, robots, skulls*, token naked ladies, or elephants.”
You get a sense of their personality right away from their sense of humor and their earnest attempt to avoid the cliché screenprinted rock poster subject matter. If you have a music gig in Boulder, Denver or anywhere else for that matter, you could do a lot worse for a screen printer.
Hit up their website and have a look at some of the rest of their work.
written by Christopher
| tags: Boulder, Colorado, Rock Posters, screenprinting, Table 2 Press