
CrisVector: Updates

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Brazilian illustrator Cristiano Siqueira has updated his portfolio with some nice new work including projects for Nike. I remain a big fan of vector art and Cristiano is one of the best.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Brazilian graphic artist and illustrator Diego Morales has a fun portfolio and he shows it well in his simple but well played Cargo-folio layout.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Joao Oliveira: Updates Yet Again

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Brasileiro designer and illustrator João Oliveira (Onrepeat) is a young talent whom I’ve followed a few years now. Enough so that he knows I am a sucker enough for his work that I will post it just as soon as he has made a major update which he does more often than most. So once again, he has been in touch and updated his poppy, colorful and fun portfolio with new imagery. This time there is some 3d incorporated which breathes new life into his work. As always, it’s a lot of sugary eye candy that is sure to give the brain a little rush.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,

Vinicius Costa: Updates

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Vinicius Costa sent a humble little, ‘hey check out my latest work’ type of email and I have to say very humbly that I am floored. Wow. Absolutely gorgeous work is spilling over his amazing portfolio. What a talent.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


Firmorama: Updates

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Brazilian creative studio Firmorama has recently updated their Flickrfolio with some new illustrations offering up some strange arrangements of even stranger elements. I’m not entirely sure what exactly they mean but they are very interesting to look at.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Brazilian illustrator Zansky has an almost lithographic/wood block quality about some of his work. It’s very tactile and feels like if you ran your hand across one in print a little ink might rub off on your fingers. There is more than one trick up the Zansky sleeve however as there is also a bit of design peppered in throughout the portfolio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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It’s been a long time since I wrote about Brazilian design and creative studio Firmorama. They have since updated with a very slick website as well as an even slicker body of design work. It’s all very bright, fun and exciting. How much fun would it be to live in Southern Brazil producing excellent design?

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Nando Costa: FOTB 2010 Titles

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You can thank Nando Costa for this compelling title sequence for this years Flash on the Beach event which I had honestly never heard of until I watched these titles. Nando is extraordinarily talented in the realm of motion and animation. He used metals with magnetic properties to accomplish this sequence and I especially enjoyed how the style and video do the heavy lifting while the typography is treated so exquisitely simple that it almost isn’t there. It’s a delicate balance that works very well.

I recently emailed Nando about my own studio but alas, never got a response. Well, here’s to him and his work regardless because I consider him one of the very best in the field.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Brazilian design agency Pianofuzz sent in a link to their interesting work that lives within an equally interesting website. I am not entirely sure, to be totally honest, if I like their website but it is different and in a way makes you more curious about who they are and what they do.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Brazilian design studio Quinta-feira which means ‘Thursday’ in Portuguese are cranking out a heavy dose of graphic design for print and editorial and have managed to amass a nice body of contemporary design work. I wrote about them way back in 2008 but they have continued cranking out good work since.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Cris Vector: Updates

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Brazilian vector illustrator Cristiano Siqueira has updated just in time for World Cup with some famous football players (Kaka is depicted above). That isn’t the only new thing happening in his portfolio. There is also a lot of new illustration work including some highly developed digital painting work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Brasil National Team Jersey 2010

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This video is meant to express the technologies behind the Nike Brasil 2010 World Cup football kit which is made from recycled plastic bottles, is extra water repellent and super-flexible. Again, more wonderful work from Universal Everything.

Damn, now I am definitely going to have to buy one. I am wearing one of my old ones right now as I type this.

Directed by Matt Pyke at Universal Everything
Animated by Chris Perry & Tommi Eberwein at Universal Everything
Sound by Simon Pyke at Freefarm
Commissioned by Sartoria

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Nando Costa 2010 Reel

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Talented motion designer Nando Costa uploaded a new reel for 2010 a couple of days ago. You can now also view his complete body of work at archive.nandocosta.com.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Brazilian design agency Quadradao has some work that is a bit of a throwback to a golden age of clean graphic design.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Bold, colorful, crisp and aggressive illustration and design work are brimming over the portfolio of Brazilian design firm Firmorama. Even their name insinuates that you are in for a celebration, and you most certainly are.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Empty Spaces

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All I can tell you about Empty Spaces is that she is a female from Brasil who likes to experiment with typography.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Kiko Farkas

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Exceptional and colorful poster work has been created by the prolific Brazilian designer Kiko Farkas. I found his work through a user submitted comment. Thank you for that.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Brazilian motion designer Rafael Morinaga has some really nice work happening in his recently released motion reel.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,