

Comments Off on FamilyGraphic Design


Someone was nice enough to inform me this morning that Family updated with some really slick new poster work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Tom Hudson

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There is some really nice illustration work in the Flickr-folio of Tom Hudson.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Richard Perez – Prints

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A really nice set of silk-screen prints from Richard Perez hit the internets today via Etsy. I really dig them and someone was nice enough to email me a link today to let me know of their release. They are reasonably priced and would look pretty good on a while behind a turntable if you know what I’m sayin’.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Comments Off on StereoplastikaGraphic Design


There is some really great graphic design work in the portfolio of Alberto Rodríguez. I particularly love the message in the poster above. Good advice.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Ork Neighborhood Posters

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Do yourself a favor and go pick up one of these Neighborhood posters from Ork.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


The Silent Giants Store

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The Silent Giants were nice enough to get in touch and let me know that they have put some new posters in their online storefront. There work is fantastic. Wow, I am continually amazed by what they are producing. Just beautiful work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Luciano Marx

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There is some nice stuff in the portfolio of Luciano Marx.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



Comments Off on ArtfataleGraphic Design


There is some nice work in the newly launched portfolio of Artfatale.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


Changethethought: Poster Show

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Alright, this is a little something different. Let’s face it, it’s a tough time right now and a lot of us are hurting. That’s just an unfortunate fact. So maybe there is a way I can help and we could all work on something together.

This is probably a big announcement to make to the amount of people that read this blog, but I am currently about to purchase a home here in Denver, Colorado that actually has a small private art gallery separate from the house in the backyard. The deal isn’t completely done yet, but if it goes through I will have that space to start doing some exciting new things with through Changethethought.

I have been watching the Omega Code project evolve and have really just been amazed by how many people have contributed. It’s insane really, and I think it shows there are just a lot of people out there who want to collectively contribute to a project to have the opportunity to just be totally creative and get there work out there in front of a larger audience. I also think the small parameter of having to only use the  Omega Code logo gave everyone a subject to start with but still express their own individual brand of creativity through that subject.

So, I am not officially kicking this off yet until I finish buying my home, but I was thinking… How would you out there feel about creating A3 sized posters using a template with the Changethethought logo (pictured above only in a simpler black and white version) in whatever way you choose?

I would be curating the poster selection and featuring the work permanently on a Flickr page similar to the Omega Code. At the end of the submission segment of the project, I would choose 100 posters to show at the Changethethought gallery at my new house. This might not all take place until the end of this summer or early next fall but each artist could then ship me up to 50 of their posters (25 minimum) that they could then sell  at the gallery. The gallery would keep 30 percent of the sales for tubes, entertainment and shipping so the profits could be mailed back to the artists in the show.

I think it might be a really cool project that would bring some art from all over the world to Denver and offer some people who may not have had the chance to sell some of their work. You could print your poster however you wanted. Digitally or screenprint, it would be totally up to you. The poster would need to use the Changethethought logo, but that would be it. The rest would be up to you. The 70% profit made from the sale of your poster would then be shipped directly back to you as soon as the show was over. I would keep the show running for several weeks to a month giving as many people the chance to purchase your work as possible. I might also be able to put the posters up for sale via the Flickr page for a limited time so people could purchase them via Paypal. The point being, that as much money as possible would go back to the artist.

I am just throwing this out there because I may or may not be able to do it yet, but I would really like to know what you think about the idea. Leave a comment after this post or send an email via the contact section and let us know. Best wishes to all of you out there in these difficult times. Keep your heads up and keep creating. I appreciate your support of this blog very much and thank you for reading. I hope to do more for you in the future.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


The Small Stakes: Store

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Jason Munn has posted some really beautiful music posters in his online storefront. His work is understated and just lovely. Times are tight, support a fellow designer and pick one up.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Network Osaka

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Network Osaka has had some really amazing design work out there on Flickr for a while but finally launched an official website today, which is cause for small celebration in my opinion. I love everything in the portfolio. Fantastic work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Helmo Jazzdor Posters

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I just ran across Helmo’s posters for Jazzdor 2008 and was really inspired by their design. I have written about Helmo in the past but I am really loving the work they are producing and these posters are really great. Simple, colorful, human and beautiful.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Comments Off on 1-2-3Graphic Design


There is some really slick work in the portfolio of the Stockholm-based design firm 1-2-3. Prepare yourself for some double clicking.

Link via The Strange Attractor (the new site looks great guys).

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Central Illustration Shop

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The Central Illustration Agency has quite possibly one of the most clever names out there and now they also have a shop where you can pick up some seriously great prints from some really amazing illustrators.

After 25 years in the business they have built quite the arsenal of illustrators. Here is a list of just some of the artists you can now find prints from: Artists include Sir Peter Blake, Nathan Fox, Christpher Brown, Tom Bagshaw, McFaul, Johnny Hardstaff, plus many more!

Each print is signed & numbered, a limited edition of 10, using archival quality inks & printed on 100% cotton Somerset paper.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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There are some really nicely designed posters happening in the portfolio of Fräck.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Amterdam Street Posters

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Jarr Geerligs has put together a massive archive of street posters in Amsterdam, many of which are very inspirational and very well designed.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Garry Milne

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There is some very unusual design and illustration work in the portfolio of Garry Milne. It looks like digital collage but the end result is really unique. Interesting work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Merel Van Den Berg

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Awesome, and I mean awesome poster series from Merel van den Berg. Really cool work all around but I must admit true love for the Crazy Diamond poster series.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,