
Diesel: Pete the Meat Puppet

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Diesel is on a roll lately. Here is their latest viral attempt. Crazy. Crazy awesome and hilarious that is.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Saturn: Evolution

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Description: The evolution of technology, beginning in the early stone age and evolving to the most powerfull technology of all times.

Client: SATURN
Advertising Agency: Scholz&Friends, Berlin, Germany (www.s-f.com)
Creative Director: Oliver Handlos
Art Director: James Cruickshank, Michael Hess
Copywriter: Felix Fenz, Sebastian Plum, Bastian Engbert

Management Supervisor: Uli Schuppach
Account Supervisor: Sandra Ortmann, Jürgen Fink
TV-Producer: Claudia Knipping, Nina Heyn, Mathis Rekowski

Director: Carl Erik Rinsch
Executive Producer: Lutz Müller
Producer: Tobias Steinhauser
DoP: Javier Aguirresarobe
Postproduction: Alex Grau
Charakter-Design: Jeff Julian, Big Lazy Robot


written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Attik Relaunch

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Powerhouse agency the Attik has relaunched their site and stuffed it to the gills with their amazing work. Their name alone should be enough of a guarantee to get you to click this link.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


The Cigarette Is Dead

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The agency for whom I work as an Art Director, Cactus has recently been behind an ad campaign exclaiming that ‘The Cigarette is Dead” The ads have literally blanketed Denver. The campaign was created for the Colorado Department of Public Health. The campaign has been hard not to notice. Especially since the ads have come in the form of posters, spraypaint and wheat pasted posters over cigarette billboards. It has been an interesting thing to watch unfold since the campaign was approached as more of a social movement than a traditional ad campaign. The motion piece above was created by local motion designer Adam Espinoza. You can learn a little more about the campaign at the official website thecigaretteisdead.com.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Bakers Precious Biscuits

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Designed and directed by Shy the Sun for Ogilvy, Johannesburg.

Produced at Blackginger Animation in Cape Town, South Africa.

For more information see shythesun.tv or blackginger.tv

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Diesel XXX

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This viral video was created for the Diesel XXX party. The spot was directed by Keith Schofield and animated by Big Animal. I gotta say I just about fell off of my chair the first time I saw it. The video is of course meant to be ‘viral’, ‘viral’ being one of those words like ‘guerilla’ that if I hear one more time in the context of advertising, I will most surely throw up a little in my mouth.

This one breaks the mold though. The production is quality and so is the animation, not to mention it is one of those ideas that I am sure a lot of people have had but been afraid to present or execute. It is also doing it’s job so-to-speak by ‘virally’ (ugh), by spreading across the internet like a wildfire. It is one more reason why I remain interested in Diesel and would love to one day knock out or I guess in this context ‘pound out’ a little creative for them.

Sorry that was a really bad joke there at the end. Oh well.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Turbo Fresh

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Ever wonder what happened to Turbo from way back in the 80’s?

Well he went out keepin’ it fresh if you know what I’m sayin’.

Aquafresh would be the smartest people in the entire world if they remade this commercial and resurrected Turbo. Just think about it.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Snapple Facts

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People ask me sometimes what it is like to be in advertising and I often stammer trying to find the best way to explain it. The words ‘over’ and ‘analytical’ often surface but sometimes and illustration works better. I found one that you can watch above. It is like that sometimes, minus the swearing anyway.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


W+K: Nokia Music Almighty

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I have really been digging ad giant’s Weiden and Kennedy’s latest work for Nokia. The commercial above is pretty nuts.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Ah the amazing people behind the Skittles ad campaign have nailed it yet again with my newest favorite creepy commercial. Mmmm.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Partizan Lab

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There are some amazing directors on Partizan Lab’s roster including the phenomenal Michel Gondry who created what is one of my all time favorite videos that you can see above. There is a wealth of just jaw-dropping amazing work in the folio of Partizan so do spend some time, if you have it, looking through their site.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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BBH was established in 1982. To this day they remain independently owned and operated. They now have six offices in London, New York, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Shanghai and Tokyo. They currently employ 988 people and have total billings of 1.5 billion dollars.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Swear Jar

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I have no idea who is responsible for this little gem but it is very close to my heart and quite possibly my most favorite commercial of late. Awesome.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Good Creative

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There is some strong branding work in the portfolio of Good Creative. Good branding work is one of those oh-so-subtle unique things that you rarely encounter and some times have to have an eye for to appreciate. It is that kind of work though that gets itself out there and increases the visibility and upgrades the image of a client. Holy crap, listen to me? Did I sell my soul to the devil for this business or what. I think I need to go wash my mouth out with a beer.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Creative Outdoor Advertising

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Concept is the highly regarded holy grail in the advertising business. If the ‘concept’ or idea behind whatever you are doing is good enough to give people pause and shine through the media then you will be raised and carried aloft on the shoulders of your fellow ad geeks. Concept is the battle cry of the agency I work for and when we work on a project we often give ourselves as much time as we can for ‘concepting’ as we call it.

I rarely post about this sort of thing here because for better or worse, this site has kind of become a site mostly about creative design, whether it be in motion graphics or for print, that is what this site has been about. I have been on the fence as to whether or not I should write more about advertising since that is what I do so maybe I should. It just doesn’t seem to interest people in design as much as it does people strictly in the ad business.

Every once in a while though I find something that crosses over because there are so many good concepts that everyone can appreciate them. The best to me is when the design also helps communicate the concept even more smoothly and then everyone wins. There was a lot of that happening in this long list of creative outdoor advertising and some of the ideas and design were just fan-friggin-tastic. They gave me a lot of ideas for when I get back to work next week. Now if only I could secure some work with the kind of client that lets you get away with something like that.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Denver Egotist Turns 1

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Well, if you live in Denver and you work in the advertising or creative community and, yes one more and, you spend some time online, you have probably heard of the Denver Egotist by now. They have stirred the best and probably more the worst in us over the past year but all in all, those of us who have participated in their rise have no doubt experienced a bit of a group catharsis. They have been supportive of me and I can’t express how much I appreciate that since Denver really is a tough town to have a go as a creative. Regardless of how you feel, they have got everyone talking and sometimes flat out yelling at each other. That to me, is a good thing. That is also what the internet is for. They have provided an outlet and we have vented.

They are celebrating their 1 year anniversary tomorrow, Thursday this week from 5 to 7:30 at the Breckenridge Brewery. So, if you want to get together and maybe hug it out after all the mud-slinging, then this is your chance. Better take advantage.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Drag And Drop World

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This new spot for the Samsung f480 is pretty awesome. I am not so interested in the phone as I am the spot itself. The nice subtle little jab at industrialization and society’s tendency to find the worlds beautiful places and destroy them through commercialization is what I am in to.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Coca-Cola: The Unhuggables

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Ahh, these spots for Coca-Cola that ran in sets of 3 make me laugh every single time I watch them. They are just brilliant. Everyone in the agency must have gotten in on these somehow.

Credit where credit is due:
Client: Coca-Cola
Agency: Santo
General Creative Director: Maximiliano Anselmo,
Sebastián Wilhelm
Creative Director: Pablo Minces
Agency Producer: Abigail Harding
Production Company: Landia
Director: Andrés Fogwill
Executive Producer: Claudio Amoedo
Post Production: Che Revolution Post

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,