Andrew Lister is a second year graphic design student at Northumbria University in Newcastle. He already has some really nice and cleanly executed work in his portfolio.
Andrew Lister is a second year graphic design student at Northumbria University in Newcastle. He already has some really nice and cleanly executed work in his portfolio.
There is some really nice work in the Behance-folio of Martin Stousland. I love that he isn’t afraid to get a little dark especially with some of his experimental work.
Via Play Me Design.
Studio Output has been updating their portfolio again with more tightly executed and crispy clean examples of graphic design.
I wrote about Jon Contino’s typographic work back in October but it appears that he may have put a few more tasty tidbits in his portfolio since then. His hand-styled type work is top shelf.
Art direction team Ahonen and Lamberg have some really nice work in their collective portfolio. The site is pretty cryptic but the click-through yields some tantalizing layouts.
Via Do It For The Fame (a fantastic blog).
Alex Hohlov’s work has been all over Dropular lately and I finally tracked down the source today. His random digital abstract expressionism works are really attractive but I was really digging the typography work shown above. You can see a lot more of his work in his Flickr-folio as well.
Oscar Noguera has some nice work in his Flickr-folio that shows a nice range of skills from graphic design through illustration and fine art.
There is a small but considered body of work that is worth browsing at the Fantasist.
Almost Modern sent a note that they have updated their website and portfolio with new work. There is some great poster work in their book.
Japanese design agency, Commune has some really nice work in their collective portfolio. Commune consists of Ryo Ueda and Minami Mabuchi.
David Hughes emailed me that he had posted some new work to his Tumblr page. I am liking the subtle black and white tones in his abstract illustrations.
Deanne Cheuk has a new website featuring some impressive work. The typography is top shelf and the pattern work is simply gorgeous.
Povilas Utovka has a small but accomplished body of air-tight graphic design work.
Ben Thomas is a young digital artist and photographer from England. Although Flashy websites that start right off playing music make me want to headbutt my computer monitor (sorry it’s a personal preference), he has some undeniably technically complex digital illustration work in his work that merits a browse through.
Hey Studio emailed this morning to tell me about a new project they just completed for Intermón Oxfam:
“The aim was to renew the image of Oxfam and create an emotional link between the association and its young target. To create a more visual language, the letters are converted into illustrations, which increases the signification of words and create a own graphical personality, direct and reinvidicative. Titles are reduced to one single word to communicate quicker and more directly. The all identity is based on one single black colour printed on different colour papers, to facilitate the production and lower costs.”
Talented graphic designer, Daniel Freytag updated his website and portfolio with some really clean new work.
Devkick has put together a great little synopsis of inspirational examples of European graphic design dating through the 1950’s to the 1970’s. I have seen most of it but there were a couple of examples that were new to me. All and all there is some really great examples in the collection including references from De Stijl to International Typographic Style and it makes for a great inspirational resource.
I have seen Tony Hung’s work in the past and posted it to the previous version of this blog but he has recently updated with a new website and some really exceptional new design work. All of the work is beautifully photographed and the use of color in his work is really stunning.