
Vasava: Nike Basketball

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This is actually an older project by one of my most favorite Spanish design and illustration studios for Nike basketball. I stumbled upon the project in Vasava’s portfolio a week back while digging for inspiration and though there were some fantastic images generated for the project.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Alex Trochut

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Yes Alex Trochut is still out there cranking things out. He’s put some new work up on his site since I last checked in probably over a year ago now. He still has an amazing portfolio to check out and the quality remains high. Hopefully he’s still doing well in Barcelona. I know things have been rough economically in Spain this past year.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Estudio Vixen

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Estudio Vixen is the design studio of Alba Plaza based in the amazing city of Barcelona (I am dying to get back there soon). He’s involved in several interesting projects and has the simple but slick presentation of his work dialed in tight.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Hey Studio: Updates

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I’ve been a fan of Hey Studio since I first laid eyes on their work. I usually am not a big fan of email newsletters, probably because so many are sent to me but I always look forward to theirs. They recently updated their website and for the fans of minimal and classic graphic design with just a hint of colorful latin flair it does not disappoint.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Diestro: Updates

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I’ve been insanely impressed by the fledgling motion studio Diestro in the past few months. They literally kicked the door down when they first posted their portfolio and they are elevating their broadcast work to that rare echelon that might daringly be described as ‘art’. Their recent update is a testament to that statement.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Were I to ever live in Spain, specifically the magnificent city of Barcelona I think Vasava would be one hell of a place to work. They are still cranking and there is yet more inspirational work recently posted to their ever stalwart portfolio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Brosmind: Updates

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Barcelona based brothers Juan and Alejandro Mingarro are Brosmind. I have posted their work here before but it appears they have since updated with some more fun and playful vector illustration work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Conor Cronin

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Conor Cronin is a young art director originally born in South Africa but now residing in Barcelona, Spain. He has a knack for color, image and style. He’s good at combining them to create some memorable images. In short, he’s a damn fine art director with a very bright future.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Osman Granda

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Weird, colorful and just plain fun works of design, illustration and typography are being produced by Spanish creator Osman Granda. He’s not afraid to experiment with color and just about everything else and that’s where the fun comes into play.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


SantaMonica Barcelona

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SantaMonica is a Barcelona based brand focused on clean, crisp and classic graphic design. Consequently they have an absolutely stellar collection of posters and tee shirts available for purchase at their website. The images are a little smaller at their home website but you can get a much larger view in their Behance portfolio. I was confused by the ‘Santa Monica’ part of their name when I first came across the posters, thinking maybe they were part of a public campaign created for the city of Santa Monica. Nevertheless, they are expertly designed and I could imagine the posters generating a healthy dose of conversation in the right setting.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Marta Cerda Alimbau: Updates

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Barcelona based graphic designer and illustrator Marta Cerdá Alimbau has updated her website and portfolio and wanted to share it with the readers of CTT. We felt obliged to tell you because we like what Alimbau does. Save us a seat at your favorite bar in the gothic quarter Marta, we’d like to take a little design/typography pilgrimage next year and would love to say hello.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Serse Rodriguez

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Serse Rodríguez is a Barcelona based graphic designer and typographer who just relaunched his website and moved his URL. He’s got some fun and colorful work in his portfolio and has a lot of new projects posted.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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DesignBy.TwoPoints has updated with some exceptional work that is very inspiring. They are not afraid to experiment in the name of educational investigation to better themselves and refresh their bag of tricks for client commissioned work. It’s great to see a studio pushing themselves in such a manner and it’s easy to expect that TwoPoints is only going to get better with time.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Alex Trochut: New Website

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The golden boy of the moment, Barcelonian typographer, illustrator and graphic designer Alex Trochut has updated with several new works and an entirely new website. It’s time for an old-fashioned design nerdout and I would expect this news to sweep the creative blogosphere like wildfire this week. He’s been busy since his last update and he isn’t afraid to experiment.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Alex Trochut: Change for the Letter

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Alex Trochut shares his processes, philosophies and ideas about design and primarily illustrative typography with Gestalten.tv for your inspirational pleasure.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Barcelonean graphic designer Andrés Requena has a classic sense of design that radiates throughout his highly considered portfolio of print and branding work.

It makes for a striking display.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Yago Hortal

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Spanish painter Yago Hortal lives and works in Berlin. Hortal does more with a single stroke than most painters can do with toolbox full of technique. His abstract work employs the use of vivid color and makes no apology for being what it is: a painting. Lovely work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Lucia Castro

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Lucía Castro is a Barcelona based graphic designer with an outstanding body of typographic-focused print work. Her work is simple and classic but makes a very contemporary use of color in her layouts. What are they putting in the water in Barcelona anyway? Maybe it’s the paella, or it could be the jamón ibérico but it’s probably the hash.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,