
Sex is No Accident

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The throwback Hanna-Barbera thing happening in these PSAs for Mtv is fantastic. It’s the perfect marriage of style and content compliments of  Parasol Island for Grey. These are apparently 8 months old but this is the first I’ve seen of them.

Client: MTV Switzerland
Agency: Grey
Chief Creative Officer: Andreas Henke, Sacha Reeb
Creative Director: Regner Lotz, Moritz Grub
Copywriter: Janus Hansen
Art Director: Alphons Conzen, Frederico Gasparian, Reto Oetterli
Producer: Dennis Eichner
Production: Parasol Island
Director: Charles Bals
Animation Director: Dino Figuera
Lead Animator: Hiroaki Ando
Background Artwork: Charles Bals, Oliver Navarro , Steve Scott
After Effects Animation: Christian Hoffmann, Heike Mauer
Producer: Sara Dadras, Meike Müller, Jack Gregory-Donald
Music: Jonathan Wulfes


written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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The guys in the studio turned me onto the motion work of the German studio Polynoid today. The work is slick, psychedelic and totally awesome (case in point the work for Mtv above). You can visit their website and portfolio here.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


MTV Top 10 at 10

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There must be no rules at MTV when it comes to these promos and I think that is brilliant. Hence the sheer madness that is this spot from PepperMelon.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Sehsucht: Mtv Ident

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Whoah, here is some crazy weird but also totally awesome 3D mograph action by studio Sehsucht™ for an Mtv ident. There was a huge list of folks involved in this little bit of video and you can see who they all are by clicking here.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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As a new parent, all kinds of thing affect me emotionally in ways they didn’t before the birth of my son. This T.V. spot for Mtv resonated with the protective parent in me that is always trying to keep my little boy out of harms way.

Director: Jonathan Gurvit
Production Company: primobuenosaires.tv
DOP: Atahualpa Rojas Bermudez
Art direction: Sole Calvano
Stylist: Clarisa Furtado
Postproduction: PICKLE
Colour: Cinecolor
Music: Papamusic

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


I Love Dust – Mtv Sight

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I Love Dust created this psychedelic freakout for MTV’s World Design Studio as a part of their first creative collaboration with 55DSL. I have no idea how you get something like this past the client but sign us up. I am a big huge slobbery fan of I Love Dust and it’s exciting to see where they have gone lately with animation and motion.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


MTV Hits / Pop x 1000% Idents

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MTV Hits / Pop x 1000% Idents from Universal Everything on Vimeo.

Creative Direction: MTV WDS Milan and Matt Pyke / Universal Everything
Concept: Matt Pyke / Universal Everything
Directed: Matt Pyke / Universal Everything
Audio: Alan Boorman / Wevie .tv

Creative Direction: MTV WDS Milan and Matt Pyke / Universal Everything
Concept: Matt Pyke / Universal Everything
Directed: Matt Pyke / Universal Everything
Audio: Alan Boorman / Wevie .tv

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Mtv – Genetically Modified HD

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There were two short bumpers recently created by Umeric for Mtv and the one above is ‘Spot A’ You can watch ‘Spot B’ here. There has been talk about extending these into something a little more fully fleshed out which would surely be interesting to see.

Director/Cinematographer:: Ash Bolland
Producer: Von Dekker
Audio: Raf May, Darrin Wiemer
Production/Visual FX: umeric.com

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


Movie Award Leftovers

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Fatal Farm was asked to create some shorts for the Mtv Movie Awards but several of them were rejected. They decided to air the results on YouTube anyway much to everyone’s chagrin. Personally, I think they are weird, original and hilarious.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


MTV International Bumpers

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Mtv Networks International tasked a talented group of animators and motionographers (Tronic, Universal Everything, Zeiguised and Zhestkov) to create a series of bumpers. The results are pretty stunning and a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

You can watch the videos above and read a little more about the project here.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Mtv Music

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Remember all of those music videos from your youth that you absolutely loved. Better yet, remember when Mtv actually played music videos? Well, they have put their full archive online and it is a treasure trove of good times and a pleasant stroll down memory lane.

You can watch all your favorites now at Mtv Music.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Timur Sutanov

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There is some nice work for MTV Russia in the portfolio of graphic designer Timur Sultanov.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,