
Jon Contino for Nike

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Illustrator and Typographer Jon Contino recently did his thing for Nike and yielded some simple yet distinct results in keeping with his signature style.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



Comments Off on Zatoon ApparelFashion

The tee shirt craze has definitely fizzled in the past couple of years from whence it reached it’s peak back around 07-08 in my opinion. There are a few brands still holding it down when it comes to graphic tee shirts but fewer are making much of an impression as they enter the overcrowded market. Zatoon is a company that caught my eye as their wares look almost nothing like most of what I’ve seen lately. The artwork for the shirts is wildly detailed and bizarre. The attention to detail is really impressive and I can’t imagine one of their tees not making an impression.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Any Forty: Again?

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Pretty sure I blogged about Tee Shirt makers Any Forty somewhere back in the long mythical history of this here blog of lore. But anyway, I recently surfed my way back and was really impressed by some of the recent tees added to their collection. They are a little on the pricey (UK pound) side but might be worth it for hipness sake.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Homage is a clothing company that specializes in retro sports wear. I know you have probably heard or seen of similar companies but the unique differentiator here is that Homage’s stuff is actually super cool. Most of the tees are very simply designed but absolutely do not stray from the retro aesthetic. I’ll probably spring for the tee above at some point.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Speedy JVW

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Speedy JVW is Chicago based t-shirt illustrator Joe Van Wetering and he’s got some fun stuff happening in his Flickrfolio which isn’t surprising because he looks like a fun guy too.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Tim Gough: Store

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Artist and illustrator Tim Gough has launched an online storefront and stocked it with both some beautiful prints and some excellent tee shirts.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



Comments Off on TrinitasFashion


Trinitas is a clothing label that was founded in 2009 by german based design and art collective Nous Sommes Des Soleils. The idea behind the label and why we started it was that we wanted to create something that wasn‘t just a t-shirt, but something of that the future owner would know that it was something unique and special.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Erik Carter

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Graphic designer Erik Carter sent his clean portfolio of work in for us to look at a week or two back. It’s a simple body of work but manages a considered aesthetic that bodes well for future projects. The black and white is quite striking and I personally dig the work for Staple.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Milk & Eggs Co.

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Burbank, California-based tee shirt shop Milk & Eggs Co. have got fun and quirky dialed when it comes to their gear. It’s clean, simple, graphic, fun and maybe even a little clever. The combination of all of the above make for some excellent expertly-designed wares. I’m gonna party likes it’s 2012 since that’s the year the world explodes or something like that right?

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Single Second

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There are some rock solid t-shirts up for sale (and at reasonable prices) from Single Second. I am curious how they manage avoiding any copyright issues but they are kick ass t-shirts regardless and probably worth grabbing up while they still last.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Drop Dead

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I do a lot of design and illustration work for clothing and tee shirts. I am always pushing my clients to be more aggressive and have fun with what they print. I think the tee shirt is kind of a special canvas with a rather unlimited amount of possibilities and it’s rarely used as expressively as it can be. So I have a special place in my heart for clothing companies that just flat out go for it when it comes to their tee shirt designs and Drop Dead Clothing is pretty fearless. Their is no denying that anything in their collection wouldn’t make an immediate impression on any one within eye shot. I’d imagine wearing one would elicit the question ‘where’d you get that?’

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Das Monk

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There are some very artistic and good-looking t-shirts in the Das Monk online store. They run about twice as much in price ($59.95) as an already overpriced t-shirt, so that might deter you a little. But they are still pretty cool, and I couldn’t resist mentioning them for the potentially more fashion-conscious and still tee wearing readers.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Imaginary Foundation Blog

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The Imaginary Foundation got in touch to let me know that they have launched their first blog. It is again filled with the kind of inspirational tidbits that support their philosophy. They are also releasing a new line today. The second image above is from their new line that was just released. The first image was taken from one of their earlier shirts and is still probably my all time favorite. IF was kind enough to send me some shirts recently and I was honesty pretty shocked at how well the image holds up on their shirts and how true the color is.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Handsome Clothing

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Handsome Clothing has recently released a series of space-inspired t-shirts that are pretty damned Handsome.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Bag of Bees

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Bag of Bees is a new online t-shirt shop establish by the people behind Paperjam. It is set for actual launch in October when the shirts will be for sale to the public. Until then, you can vote for the shirts you like the best and which ones you would like to see printed and available for purchase. There are some beautifully designed t-shirts already their to consider. Personally, I would definitely sport the two t-shirts above without hesitation.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Design By Humans

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I have written about the awesome t-shirts for sale at Design By Humans before but I couldn’t resist writing about this new tee. I just love this design. I know it is on the hipster drawing tip but I love what the copy says, ‘After the rain comes a rainbow‘.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,