
Steven Harrington Earth Day Poster

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Not sure how I missed this but You Work For Them is selling a really nice glow-in-the-dark Steven Harrington Earth Day print for half off the original price. You can’t go wrong for 20 bucks on this one.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Rahel Ritchie

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Graphic/Product Designer Rahel Ritchie has some nice work in his portfolio but a particular standout is a hoodie that features an inflatable hood to cushion your head like a pillow while you are on a plane or traveling in a bus. What a fantastically simple yet brilliant idea. I could really use one of those. I wonder if they have actually been produced and where you could buy one. I want one now.

Discovered via FFF.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Kinkyform sent a note about a new project they have ongoing titled the ‘Neo Gramophone‘. Its a really attractive design and sounds like an interesting concept that would make for a nice design piece at home.

“Playing vinyl back in the days the gramophone is now able to play your personal musical selection via streaming directly from itunes or directly by loading music on it via bluetooth. A simple subsurface menu (reacts upon touching the menu area) provides easy playing, simple usage like the traditional gramophone. Clean and perfect sound is a must today so the inside of the neo-gramophone features multiple speakers and a subwoofer with the horn as the bass-reflex tube.”

Kinkyform is currently seeking investors to complete their final vision of the project.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Mugs by Harry Pearce

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russian mugs

Harry Pearce of Pentagram has designed these seven mugs for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. They each have a russian rhyme on the sides, promoting the efforts of the office. I know I can’t interpret them, but I’d love to have a set for myself! Read more about them over at the Pentagram blog.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Hector Serrano Studio

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Innovative product and space design from Héctor Serrano Studio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


40 Most Creative Lamps

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Freshome has a really cool list of what they consider the 40 most creative lamps. I really want the one pictured above in a bad way.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Hi, we’re Supermarket.

We’re here to connect you directly with designers and the great things they make.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Ben Rousseau Furniture

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Ben Rousseau creates some subtle yet striking furniture with an added glowing bonus touch. As I am in currently in the market for purchasing a new home, I would love to have that t.v. stand and table in my living room. Gorgeous design.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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I really want one of these smile cup saucer sets by Studio Psyho.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Hello Hikimori Shop

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Hello Hikimori has officially opened their online storefront for business. It appears that they will be frequently updating with more goods, so it may be worth keeping an eye out.

Why when the first set of prints are combined do they spell out the name ‘ETHAN’?

I have absolutely no idea.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Ideo Relaunch

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The worldwide design consultancy Ideo has relaunched their site which now features a multitude of amazing projects and examples of downright beautiful design.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Si Scott Playing Cards

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Call me a sucker, call me a collector… anything except a card player. All I know is I didn’t hesitate in the slightest to place my order for these new Smoke and Mirror playing cards. In association with the incredible Si Scott, these new decks from Dan&Dave are sure to go quick – so hurry and get yours!

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Eames [inspired] Prosthetic Leg

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Eames Leg

Charles and Ray Eames are heroes in my book, and if I had this particular handicap I would thank Joanna M. Hawley sincerely for her fantastic Eames-inspired prosthetic leg! Read into this article to see other views as well as some clever concept boarding.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Soft and Furry

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My friend Todd from Joyengine sent this over to me today and asked that I post it. Basically he and his boys have been working hard on a project that has continued to evolve and push them into new territory. The end results of which will be available in early fall. The project, entitled ‘Soft and Furry’ could yield some pretty interesting results as there are a lot of people involved and it sounds as though Todd is pretty serious about it. So here you go.

SOFT&FURRY™ was born on a whim. It began by stumbling upon an interesting real-time countdown piece of javascript. We found the script intriguing so we took a deeper look. Being the type-loving geeks that we are, we decided to build a simple .htm page around this script using some really oversized web-text set in Helvetica Bold. We then just sorta threw the page up on one of the domains we owned. That domain happened to be softandfurry.com. We set the countdown on roughly March 13th, counting down in the form of days, hours, minutes, and seconds until June 13th. We didn’t know what SOFT&FURRY™ was going to become but we were sure we’d come up with something. About six weeks in to the countdown the notion of creating some sort of alternative logo design contest reared its head. Then we sort of shelved it. A couple of weeks later our good friend and regular collaborator Dea Webb, owner of Denver’s Plastic Chapel, the region’s premier purveyor or artist-driven designer toys gave us a call and asked if we’d like to have an art exhibition at her and Dave’s shop in September. We were stoked and leapt at the opportunity. Almost immediately after hanging up the phone with Dea S&F™ took shape.

Having made all sorts of wooden custom toys and painted and customized loads of blanks we’d always yearned to create our own line of toys. The time to do it was now. We decided we’d design and produce, all by hand, our own line of artist-series designer toys under the name SOFT&FURRY™. And, so, in true collaborative fashion we began the S&F™ logo contest, empowering someone other than ourselves to create the identity for the project. After eight weeks we’d choose a winner and utilizing their winning identity, we’d design and produce the toys, the packaging, a series of posters, decals, apparel, and a book detailing the story, our toy design and production process, and highlighting all the logos we’d received. The winner would receive one of everything we produced, including toys, the book, accessories, and whatever else happens to get made.

As of today, the logo contest is in its 6th week. All of our toys have been designed, and the production process is underway. The book layout has begun, the next iteration of softandfurry.com is underway, and we’re awaiting the winning logo (roughly two weeks from today) to begin designing the packaging and other collateral. The initial toy run will consist of roughly 90-100 full scale toys and hopefully a one third scale blind-box series. In terms of finishing we’re aiming to have roughly 30 international collabs, 30 national collabs, 30 in-house designs, numerous blanks, and a local artist-based blind box series, all to drop September 6th at Dea and Dave’s Plastic Chapel. We’re gonna bust ass, keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best. We hope to see you on the 6th.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


Undoboy Goodies

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Undoboy launched an online storeftont today. There are some fun things in there. What stood out most notably to me were the wall decals. It looks like you could really have a good time with those and liven up a room. Cool stuff.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Well, if you plan on buying one of the 3G iPhones as I do, you will probably be looking for ways to customize it. One small way is with wallpapers. If you are one of these people then Poolga has got what you need to get your fix.

Poolga is a site devoted to iPhone wallpapers that are created by some big named designers and illustrators. The greatest thing about them is that they are all free to download. So go get some.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


3G iPhone

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Well, it’s official. Steve Jobs announced the release of the 3G iPhone this afternoon. They will be available July 11th starting at the much lower price of $199 for the 8 gig version and $300 for the 16 gig. It’s a tough jab for early adopters and one more reason I refuse to buy anything that first comes off the Apple production line no matter how fantastic. I will however, be picking up this new version of the iPhone next month. I am happy I waited.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


TED Talks: Yves Behar

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As part of my ongoing attempt to post at least one TED Talk every week, I have selected Yves Behar’s recent talk about some of the iconic objects he has been responsible for designing. I thought Behar’s work was a little more closely akin to the nature of the blog. I hope you enjoy it. Copied directly from the TED website, you can read a little about the talk and Behar below:

About this talk

Designer Yves Behar digs up his creative roots to discuss some of the iconic objects he’s created (the Leaf lamp, the Jawbone headset). Then he turns to the witty, surprising, elegant objects he’s working on now — including the “$100 laptop.”

About Yves Behar

Yves Behar has produced some of the new millennium’s most coveted objects, like the Leaf lamp, the Jawbone headset, and the XO laptop for One Laptop per Child. Read full bio »

written by Christopher | tags: , ,