
Changethethought: New Posters

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I have been working hard lately on several new poster ideas. I have put some of the results up in the work section of the site. I have a new Obama poster that I want to get ready for the inauguration. The poster measures in at 18×24 inches and is 4 screens. I actually want it screen printed this time and I am looking for a good screen printer (preferably one here in Denver, Colorado). If you know of one please drop me a line. I am also working on another series of smaller A3 posters as well. Two of those you can see in the Print Section of the site. One of which is a revised version of an older poster I did a few months back. I am working on 2-3 more of those as well and then I will be doing another run of A3 posters. Probably sometime within the next month. The other posters are just a personal experiment I have been working on lately collaging found imagery together to create psychedelic landscapes. You can see two of those in the Personal Section. More of those to come as I get to them. I probably won’t print those but who knows.

Also, I am still seeking artistic representation (an art rep) to help me find new projects. I am also still planning on rebuilding the site sometime in early 09 and I will be looking for relevant sponsors and advertising. If you would like to take a look at the traffic numbers and are considering advertising please send an email to hire(at)changethethought.com.

Basically between Changethethought and my 9-5 job as Art Director at Cactus, I am busting it pretty hard right now. I love what I do though and that is why I do it. I will also be working on a new television commercial right after Christmas and we just released our new series of commercials for the Own Your C campaign also. Lifelongfriendshipsociety did an amazing job on the spots and I will be getting them up on the site, along with a full right up on the new direction we chose for the OYC campaign this year in the very near future. You can actually see the spots at Motionographer right now.

Thank you for all of the emails and support. Full steam ahead.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Iskra Print Collective

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The Iskra Print Collective is a nonprofit community space dedicated to the practice, understanding, and appreciation of the printmaking arts. The studio collaborates with artists on small- and large-scale printing projects and engages the broader creative community by hosting open-house exhibitions and educational and informative workshops. Iskra believes in the power of print to communicate, influence, and inspire.”

There were just so damned many awesome posters it was impossible to even choose one as a reference image. Great source of inspiration.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Diego Bellorin A.K.A. EMPK

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“My name is Diego Bellorin a.k.a empk

I work as an independent Art Director / Graphic Designer in Barcelona & Paris, developing and realizing contemporary design projects across various related sectors.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Never Sleeping

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“Ben Chlapek is a freelance illustrator/designer/printer living in Missouri. When he isn’t drawing, he is probably printing or eating. This site’s main purpose is to show his work and make you a little bit happy.”

Never Sleeping huh? I can identify with that.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Niklaus Troxler

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Niklaus Troxler is a Swiss born designer and is also the organizer of the Willisau Jazz Festival. He now teaches at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Stuttgart. His portfolio is bursting with inspirational design.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Ctt for the Hot Iqs

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I was recently asked by the lead singer of the local Denver band (and a really good band in my humble opinion) to design a two screen poster to announce the release of their latest 7 inch EP. I hadn’t designed a rock poster in a long long time so I jumped at the chance. Although it wasn’t really needed and the budget in no way called for it, I really went to town and kind of went nuts working up different ideas. I rarely get to sink my teeth into something music related so I felt like I had to get as much out of my system as possible. You can see all 7 versions of the poster now in the print section of the site. The band likes the giraffe mandala poster so that is the one which will most likely be printed. I’ll let you know when and where they will be playing if you would like to pick one up.

For more information about the Hot Iqs, you can visit their website.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


General Pattern

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There are some really nice prints at General Pattern.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


El Moreno

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I am really digging the music-related posters of Cesar Moreno.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Happy Pets

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Happy Pets look like they know how to have a good time with graphic design.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Atelier David Smith

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Simply gorgeous graphic design work from Atelier David Smith.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Hello Hikimori Shop

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Hello Hikimori has officially opened their online storefront for business. It appears that they will be frequently updating with more goods, so it may be worth keeping an eye out.

Why when the first set of prints are combined do they spell out the name ‘ETHAN’?

I have absolutely no idea.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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You could literally spend a couple hours looking through the work of Post Typography and every minute would yield some sort of inspiration. Their work is just that good.

About Post Typography:
“Originally conceived in 2001 as an avant garde anti-design movement by Nolen Strals and Bruce Willen, Post Typography specializes in graphic design, conceptual typography, and custom lettering/illustration with additional forays into art, apparel, music, curatorial work, design theory, and vandalism. Their work has received numerous fancy design awards and has been featured in such publications as Ellen Lupton’s Thinking With Type and D.I.Y.: Design It Yourself, The Art of Modern Rock, Metropolis magazine, Taschen’s Contemporary Graphic Design, and Phaidon’s Area 2. Post Typography have appeared in numerous design and art exhibitions, and their posters are collected by high school punk rockers and prominent designers (whom they consider equally important). Strals and Willen currently teach classes in design and typography at the Maryland Institute College of Art, and have lectured at the Cooper Union, Minneapolis College of Art & Design, and Harvard University among others.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Armin Hofmann

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A nice selection of classic graphic design from the mighty Armin Hofmann here.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Changethethought: Updates

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I have just posted several new works in the Print and Illustration sections of the site. I have posted a new poster set titled, ‘Live Fast & Die Young’ as well as the first two in an ongoing 50 part study I have embarked on using nothing other than simple geometric forms, single colors and Helvetica. This study will take some time and doing but I thought it would be a good way to pull me back to the basics of Graphic Design.

I have also a fun illustration I recently created for Cactus about the greatest haircut ever dreamed up by mankind, as well as the small ad campaign I created for the Toofy Film Festival.

I am also considering running a special on Obama Posters starting one month prior to the election. Stay tuned for that.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


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New prints from are available from the talented Denver artist, Anthony Cozzi A.K.A. Snowblinded.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Changethethought for DATA

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Here is a little refresher about DATA, whom I wrote about a few months back:

DATA (Designers Against Tibetan Abuse) is a new organization that has come together recently and opened a new project that will include a book featuring various designers, digital artists, illustrators and photographers joining together to raise awareness of the terrible issues faced by the Tibetan people.

All proceeds derived from the sale of the book will go to charity and if we have enough people express a willingness to participate we will take our idea to the following charities:

Tibet Foundation

Tibet Society

I was asked to contribute to the book and I actually designed 3 different A3 sized posters before finally landing on something I liked with the third design. I usually work in A3 format and it was just a happy accident that was the size designated by the project. I settled on using a Buddhist symbol called the endless knot. The endless knot is symbolic of Buddha’s mind and represents endless wisdom and compassion and is meant to be reminiscent of the cyclic reality of existence. I felt it was a good symbol for the seemingly cyclic bondage that Tibet finds itself in and cannot seem to escape and yet despite this they have maintained a certain kind of spiritual peace throughout this state of occupation. However, I also wanted to envoke a little bit of a call to arms by speaking directly towards the ‘Free Tibet’ chant you can’t really seem to escape in trendy culture. I have felt that without real action that statement seems a little hollow and I wanted people to think about that.

The chosen design I am referring to is the top of the 3 images above. The following two were designs I decided to reject. I wanted the final product to be as direct as possible and I felt the first design brought the message home the best without muddying the idea too much. I will post more later about DATA after the book has been published. You can see them along with the rest of my work in the print section.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Who is Supermandolini™
“We are two graphic designers from Thessaloniki, Greece whos love and passion for design resulted in the creation and launch of Supermandolini™ – Online Boutique in 2007. Starting only with a range of t-shirt designs in mind we ended up producing and designing more than just apparel. At the moment our boutique has a range of handmade accessories like earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings and pins and a limited number of high quality posters and canvases which all have been designed with the same energy and eye for detail that describes our work.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Threadless Art Prints

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Not that I want to take attention away from my own art prints but Threadless has some very nice slightly larger and more expensive prints at their website.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,