
Script and Seal

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Gavin Potenza and Elizabeth Meyer have partnered to launch a new studio called Script and Seal with a focus on experimental brand development. They have amassed a small portfolio of work and have already worked for Warp Records, The New Statesman, Oregon State University, AOL, Good Magazine, Redwood Publishing, Men’s Health, and Zoe NYC Swimwear.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Swedish design and branding studio A-B-D has a small but impressive body of design and branding work including some amazing packaging for Delights of Sweden and store concept work for H&M.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Taylor David

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Canadian designer, artist, actor, thinker, mentor and pirate Taylor David is oozing with style. His stylized retro-twinged collaging makes for highly commercially viable imagery and if you dare click on his ‘info’ section you will in turn be treated to a highly commercially viable looking kind of a guy with a whole lot of hair.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Sean Dekkers

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I can’t really say much about Sean Dekkers because he doesn’t say anything about himself at his new website. He does however have some excellent work for motion in his portfolio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Manual Creative

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Manual is a graphic design and branding consultancy based in San Francisco. Our approach is tailored to every project and is always grounded in clarity, simplicity, and beautifully crafted design.”

Manual is not playing. They have an exquisite body of work that would make any graphic designer salivate.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Matei Apostolescu 2010

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Designer/illustrator Matei Apostolescu has continued to update his website with his dense pen and pencil to vector imagery as his style continues to evolve into something that is uniquely his own.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Wanderlust Posters

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Wanderlust has released a series of posters for Earth day 2010. The posters are selling for £30.00, £15 of which will be donated to Oxfam and Doctors Without Borders. There are 7 posters in all under the theme ‘wanderlust’ showing each of the 7 continents ranging from Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, to South America.

The posters are absolutely beautiful works of modern art but for me personally, even with the money going to charity, I just can’t afford one at the moment even though I would love to hang them in my studio. But if you can afford to pick one up, I highly recommend it considering that half of the total sale is being donated to charity which is practically unheard of.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Artem Gridin

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Artem Gridin doesn’t have any information about himself at his website but what he does have is some very nice poster work with a rather unique and playfully experimental take on typography.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Heystudio Flickrfolio

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Barcelona design firm Heystudio has updated their Flickrfolio with some impossible-not-to-like work including this poster for the Lapsus Graphic Showcase Exhibition. They have been on a roll this year and last with continually impressive simple, clean, colorful and beautiful graphic design work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Josef Muller Brockmann

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If you have not familiarized yourself with the lifetime works of luminary graphic designer Josef Müller Brockmann, Alki1 has assembled a nice Flickr set featuring some of his more well known pieces. I was totally consumed by Brockmann in my senior year of college while studying graphic design and was particularly obsessed with his Musica Viva posters. His work has continued to be a big source of inspiration and while working for Nasir Kasamali, I was surprised that even he carried a Brockmann book in the small library at his Luminaire furniture store in Miami. After discovering the book then 4 years out of college, I was once again obsessed all over again with Brockmann’s work. You can definitely see his influence on the current trends in design.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

This is Forest

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Forest is the multi-purpose studio of Joel Speasmaker, located in Brooklyn, New York, working in the areas of graphic design, art direction, publishing, branding, web design & development, illustration, and various curatorial projects. Joel previously published The Drama magazine, served as art director for Anthem magazine and was comics editor for Swindle. Currently he self-publishes The Small Book series, and contributes Think Faest by Forest for Faesthetic magazine.”

Joel has some exceptional typography and branding work in his portfolio and has made a friend out of some very timely and watchable brands.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Medusateam: Updates

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Eduard Mateo, Jordi Oró and Joel Barber have relaunched the Medusa Team studio website with a bright new look and an updated portfolio featuring their multidisciplinary project work. It’s bright, trendy and colorful and it looks like they are having a good time doing what they love. Good for you guys, go get ’em.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Modern Publicity

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London-based design consultancy, Modern Publicity was established by Ken Leung, the founding Art Director of Monocle magazine. The MP portfolio is relatively small but puts in an impressive showing for branding work with some highly considered print pieces. There is a wedding invitation in their portfolio that was one of the most impressive I have ever seen.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Steven Bonner

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Scottish designer/illustrator Steven Bonner has recently updated with some especially nice drippy urban typographic illustrations.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Adam Gault Studio

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Designer Adam Gault has launched his own studio based out of Long Island City, NY. The studio has a small but highly considered body of work. I was particularly fascinated by a project completed for MSNBC and excited to see it put into use on the network.

It’s funny, there studio looks a lot like ours before we began our remodel. Maybe I should have just left it along and let it be what it is. Oh well, too late now.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Fendy Ibrahim

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Fendy Ibrahim is currently a student at Nanyang Tech University, School of Art, Design and Media, Singapore. Only two years in and already in possession of a mature, colorful and considered body of work that would strike envy in the heart of an experienced designer.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Toothjuice: Updates

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Josh Clancy A.K.A. Toothjuice has continued to stay busy producing some fun and sporadic design and illustration work. You can see some of the newness in his Flickrfolio including the above image created for Lady Gaga’s upcoming tour.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Frankenstyles: Updates

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New York based designer/illustrator Stephen Kelleher who goes by ‘Frankenstyles‘ emailed to inform us the he has updated his portfolio with several new projects.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,