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Alex Ziv lives and works in San Francisco and is a recent graduate from SFAI. He recently participated in a group show hosted by Fecal Face titled Cigarettes, Phone Cards & Hip Hop Clothing and has updated his site with new works from the show. Ziv’s work draws heavily from pop culture and cartoons.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Character SF

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Character is a San Francisco-based, independent creative agency with a passion for launching, rejuvenating and propelling brands. Our goal is to create lasting and meaningful relationships between our client’s brand and their audience through smart thinking and intelligent design.”

I was informed that Character likes to ‘fly under the radar’ but that might be hard to do with the portfolio they are developing. It’s worth talking about as there is some strong project work represented under the Character brand.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Brent Couchman

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SF based designer/illustrator Brent Couchman has that familiar minimal retro style happening in his portfolio and he does it very well. I should say his ‘Flickrfolio‘ rather.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Scott Weaver Has Lots of Toothpicks

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“Scott Weaver’s amazing piece, made with over 100,000 toothpicks over the course of 35 years, is a depiction of San Francisco, with multiple ball runs that allow you to go on “tours” of different parts of the city.”

Wow, imagine the patience if you dare. Definitely, def-def-definitely looks like 994,000 toothpicks. Definitely 994,000.

Just joking, couldn’t resist.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Alex Varanese: Updates

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Alright I am just going to come out and say it, I love the stuff Alex Varanese does. It just oozes style and the likeability factor is so so high in his work. It’s like orange tic-tacs. I can eat a whole package of them in one sitting. He recently posted a few new things to his Behance including a series of visuals for an animated series he was considering called ‘I am Made of Robots’ and of course it’s awesome.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Mark Coleran

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I have been pouring over the work of Mark Coleran lately as I have begun the process of redesigning the new version of the Changethethought blog and website. Coleran is a rare beast of a designer who has carved out a unique niche in creating user interface systems for movies. You know when the scene comes on when some super secret agent is interfacing with some far out computer or system? Well chances are, Coleran was the man responsible for designing how that user interface system looked. Lately his work has attracted the attention of real software companies who are beginning to employ his skills in creating actual interface systems for new applications.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Made Service

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Aside from having quite possibly one of the most clever names I have run across in quite some time, bay area based design studio Made Service also has a strong portfolio of work that includes a healthy dose of both illustration and design. They also have an appreciation for extremely well made sandwiches.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Skinny Ships: Updates

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Richard Perez AKA Skinny Ships updates his Flickrfolio once again with more fun work. His style and approach is definitely evolving and his work is getting more interesting along the way.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


SF to Paris in 2 Minutes

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I shot a photo roughly every two miles between take-off in San Francisco and landing in Paris CDG to make this airplane time lapse.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Neighbors: Mike Giant

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Agency Charlie has put together a nice little series of short stories about individuals from various neighborhoods in San Francisco titled Neighbors. This segment focuses on Mike Giant and his life and work as an artist in SF. Mike is someone we have always held in high regard.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Toro Y Moi – You Hid

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Sometimes you come across so much good stuff all at once it’s hard to know where to look. Such is the case with this little treasure over at yourstru.ly, an oh-so-very SF music and film blog that features the work of my new art crush, Heidi Petty. Also based in San Francisco, Petty’s work is a great aesthetic blend of woolly film stock and digital, although the stand out is this intimate piece for Toro Y Moi, aka Chazwick Bundick (seriously?).Mr. Bundick’s music is on pretty heavy rotation here at the CTT studio. That chillwave vibe was definitely the trend of 2010, but damn it melts your core. So check the vid, give a nod to Brian Wilson, the originator of multi-layered chill and enjoy some good old fashioned music and video.

written by Mike Slane | tags: , , ,


Skinny Ships: Updates

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The illustrator living in the lower Haight going by the name ‘Skinny Ships’ has updated his Flickr-folio as of yesterday with some new and extremely fun to look at typography. You gotta love his style. This most recent example is a really interesting mashup of cut and past style type with modernism. It’s an unusual mix but it’s working very well.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Aimee Brodeur

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San Francisco based Photographer Aimee Brodeur has what could be described as a ‘free-spirited’ sense about her imagery. It’s a sun-dappled surreal affair that makes you want to push away the laptop and head out to take in some scenery. The imagery feels very personal as if an intimate moment was just snapped just in the nick of time.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Ted Vasin: Behance

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There are some new and veerrrrry trippy paintings in the Behance-folio of San Francisco based painter Ted Vasin. His work continues to become more unique as he grows and he remains an artist to watch.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Justin Fantl

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I scarcely have words to describe how fantastic I think the photos are taken by Justin Fantl. They are just magnificent. He has an eye that manages to capture the aura of the scenes that he stops to shoot. I don’t know how deliberate his locations are of if they come by him more happenstance but the result is unforgettable imagery.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Fluxfilterform: Updates

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Graphic Designer and Art Director Jimmy Soat A.K.A. Flux Filter Form got in touch to let us know that he recently updated his portfolio with an archive of experimental works at his website It’s All About The Process.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Lab Partners

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Lab Partners is the collaborative work of Ryan Meis and Sarah Labieniec who are based in San Francisco. They have a friendly retro-inspired style that is hard not to like.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Fluxfilterform is the work of San Francisco based director/designer Jimmy Soat. His work is expertly executed and his portfolio showcases some brilliant art direction reaching toward a level of aesthetic most simply cannot ascertain. He recently updated with some beautiful new work. You gotta dig the yellow.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,