Good friend of mine, Benjamin Bours recently redesigned his website with some pretty slick work. There is a lot of fresh talent coming out of Baltimore this year, and Ben is at the helm. I’m sure we will be seeing a lot more of his work, so keep an eye out.
Chuck Anderson of No Pattern turned me onto this artist through Twitter. I probably spent an hour out of my night clicking back and forth through the work of Jeremy Geddes. His paintings take concept scenarios to the point of photo realism; some very shocking, some unsettling, but there is something to be said for all of the work in this portfolio.
A guest lecture was held at MICA last night by fresh new designer Kenny Kim. Currently working for Droga5 in NYC, Kenny is doing some really slick work for some major clients, just two years out of school! Featured above, an interactive web campaign for the new Puma shoe, Lift.
WRK/PLY is day long non-conference built to challenge our normal conventions of work and play. Weʼve chosen 6 speakers whose lives illustrate the value of mixing play and work. They will be sharing their methods with our audience, both through focused conversation and a 20 minute interactive play element in each of their presentations. We donʼt know exactly what they are planning, but from what we’ve heard you should expect the intriguing and the absurd.
Speakers include:
Architecture + Design: Andre and Dan, dress code
Culture + Lifestyle: Steve Hindy, Brooklyn Brewery
Media + Technology: Gavin McInnes, Street Carnage
Fashion + Style: Rebecca Turbow, Safe Clothing
Saturday, March 28 , 12:00pm – 7:00pm
For more information, visit
Did you hear the one about the invisible tree house hotel? An incredible concept by Tham & Videgard Hansson Arkitekter that disrupts nature in the most minimal fashion possible. This tree house/hotel room is lined with mirrored glass and almost vanishes at a glance from the outside, while granting the guest a 360 degree view from the inside. Wow.
Harry Pearce of Pentagram has designed these seven mugs for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. They each have a russian rhyme on the sides, promoting the efforts of the office. I know I can’t interpret them, but I’d love to have a set for myself! Read more about them over at the Pentagram blog.
I find more often than not, artists who specialize in both Graphic Design as well as Illustration tend to do one better than the other. Janine Rewell is quite the exception. Her work as a Graphic Designer is smart and sophisticated, while her work as an illustrator is incredibly one of a kind, bold and inventive. I have a feeling this is an artist we’ll all be seeing a lot more of in the near future.
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Ronald Kurniawan has been featured on Change the Thought before, but I am just now seeing his Folgers campaign and I am in love! This is one hell of a talented artist – and his wit has me in stitches. There are plenty of other incredibly original approaches to mixing type and imagery in his recent work as well. Very much worth a visit, time and time again.
The work of Brooklyn’s Kevin Cyr is just stunning. The depiction of street art/object in the form of painting is done nearly too well – and the images above are just a taste.
Chuck Anderson just released a new book of his stunningly colorful work called Wandering Off Into Space. I’ve been following his work for some time now, and for $25 this book is definitely being added to my library. Worth a look!
I have to say this is the most clever use of 3D rendering I have seen in a long time. And the concept of God’s Eye View is brilliant! Have a look at these and other creations by Cream Studios.
Passion Pit released their EP titled ‘Chunk of Change’ a while back and I spaced writing about it. I think they are great band and really really like their music. I did some album covers for them a while back and was sincerely disappointed that they didn’t like any of them. I think they ended up using art that one of the guys from the band produced himself. That happens a lot when designing for the music industry. It comes with the territory. Regardless, their EP is still fantastic, and I highly recommend picking it up.
Don and Ryan Clark, the co-founders of Asterik Studio and the masterminds behind Invisible Creature also perform – for those of you non metal heads – in a hugely successful and innovative band named Demon Hunter. The band recruited young photographer and videographer Cale Glendening to join them on the road and produce what looks to be a breathtaking 3-dvd documentary about Demon Hunter, called 45 Days. You can view the trailer here.
I just read an article about this new album art for the band Keane, featuring life size sculptural representations of the band members, by artist Osang Gwon. The process is based on two-dimensional photography turned to a three-dimensional presence by mapping out every angle of the model. Although the process looks to be – no doubt – incredibly laborious, the result is absolutely stunning!