
Ctt: New Work Posted

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I posted a couple new bit of work to my print portfolio last week. The first poster was a personal project based on a drawing I did last week. The second, which involves a set of 3 posters that you can view in the print section as well were for my friend and fellow Ctt blogger Aaron Ray and his band Peña. Aaron will be selecting one of the posters to screen print for his upcoming venue on April 11th at the Larimer Lounge. If you are in Denver plan on stopping by to have your socks rocked off. Posters will be available for sale at the show.

Right now I am beginning work on a new illustration style combining pencil drawings with digital finishes. I want to build up an illustration portfolio this year and see if I can start getting some illustration work under my belt.

I am currently seeking freelance work to keep growing as a creative and polishing mys skills so please email me at hire(at)changethethought.com if you are looking for someone for your next project. I am also still looking for someone to represent me for both my illustration and design work. Any help on that would also be greatly appreciate and as always thank you for reading Ctt.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Other Criteria

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Are you low on your Damien Hirst merch? Well hey, guess what? He has an online store now featuring not only some of his own goodies but work from other artists as well. He is a hotly contested artist to be sure but the guy is smart. Houses in multiple countries, yachts and millions of dollars. He know something that most of us don’t.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Changethethought – Vision Quest

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I am working on a new digital collage project I am calling Vision Quest. It is based on nature, spirit animals, the quest for identity and the balance between technology and living in harmony with the natural world.

That was a mouthful. Anyway, don’t expect them to be complete for a couple weeks, but the first installment is pictured above. I think when these are done, I will finally be printing a new round of posters. I will most likely be doing 3 of these but I may end up doing 4. You can see more detailed images in the PRINT section.

I am also currently seeking a new hosting sponsor for my website. I would also really like to do another project for music. So if you or someone you know is in a band and needs a poster design or album art send me an email. You can email me about hosting the site or hiring me for your music project at hire(at)changethethought.com

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Changethethought for Omega Code

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I finished my Omega Code poster today and sent it off to their open call for submissions. I was super impressed with what people were creating and really wanted to be a part of it. I designed the poster to specs, sized at B1 (close to 24 x 36 inches) at 300 dpi. There were close to 80 layers in and it weighed in at almost 7 gigs. Photoshop wouldn’t even allow me to save it at one point so I had to go back through and crunch everything just to be able to save it.

I actually really like their music and wanted to create something a little darker that suggested mysticism. I felt like something like that was really appropriate for their sound. A lot of my work used to slant to the darkside, and I have lightened up a lot in the last few years. Mellowing with age I guess but I still remember my rock days of lore. So when called upon I can bring the heavy metal thunder.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Early Griffin

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Early Griffin was established out of the love of the handmade screen printing process and also in order for it’s authors to be able to work with artists they love and admire. The posters are released in editions of 50 and series of 3 featuring different artist in each series.

There are some really nice posters here and each is a unique and beautiful piece of art.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Changethethought Print: Updates

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I have been working hard on some new prints for this year and there are a couple new bits and pieces in my print portfolio. I am still working on several new prints and should be printing some new posters for 2009 sometime in the next few weeks. I will also be printing some larger format posters (18 x 24 inches) including the poster shown above. I am also working on a very large format print (A1) for the DATA (Designers Against Tibetan Abuse) show that will take place this summer. If I am not mistaken the show will be in London but don’t quote me on that. I may even try to attend since I have yet to visit London and desperately want to do so.

Thank you for your readership. There has been a big upsurge in traffic which has been great to see. I promise to keep this thing rolling as long as you are out there rocking. Thank you.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


How Very Tokyo Posters

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Posters are now available from the How Very Tokyo exhibition. Some really attractive posters.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Omega Code: Open Call

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Just saw this at Reform Revolution and I was pretty excited because I wanted to get in on this and now you can too:

” Hello,
After receiving lots of emails about submissions, people really started to send their own stuff! http://www.flickr.com/photos/omegacode/

So here is the cool thing:
We are opening a Fan Art set for submissions. Download our template and send us your art: http://tinyurl.com/7fdb7j

We’ll pick up 20 illustrations and feature them on our upcoming book.

Deadline: February 27th.
Send us your LOWRES 72 dpi to hello@omegacode.net

Up to B1 in 300 dpi
(as we may print as a poster them later in the year)

* No need to have anything written.

HOTS: Religion, Spirituality, Noir, Mysticism, Alchemy, Tree of Life, Experimental

NOTS: Porn, Offensive Content, Violence

Omega Code”

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Good Shape Design

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Some nice prints for sale at Good Shape Design. I am hoping to move into a house soon and I think the one above would look pretty good hanging up on my wall.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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There are some interesting illustrations and some fun posters in the portfolio of Marcroy.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Ctt Triptych Completed

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So I was working on this psychedelic triptych, just for the hell of it, and finally finished it last night. I threw it in my personal section because I wasn’t really sure where else to file it. I hope you dig it. I think for my next round of posters I may print these up. If anything, just because I want to hang them in my own home to freak people out a little bit. Most people aren’t accosted by introspective art every day and I like to put some in my home especially in private places like bedrooms or bathrooms to force people into that zone where they have to confront themselves a little bit and think. We may take that for granted because so many of us spend so much time plugged into the current of digital art and culture but most people have yet to enter that space. So, it is easy to take them off guard and I love to see how they react to work like this.

I want to do a few things this next go round with my posters that are a little less direct and more open to interpretation. I hope you dig it. If not, that is fine too. Its art you know. You can’t please everyone. These were digitally-collaged using found imagery.

They are loosely based on the concept of identity, memory and the infinite nature of the space-time continuum.

2009 is going to be a good year. I can feel it. Expect a lot of new work and a better website (if I can find the money to upgrade it). I am going to bust my ass this year like there is no tomorrow. And there may not be a tomorrow with 2012 around the corner. You never know.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


Omega Code: Album Release Freebies

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Early in 09, the band Omega Code will release their debut album, along with a book, a DVD and a free series of posters based on their upcoming album “Ω”. A limited number of 2300 posters are going to be printed and distributed around the globe.

Anyone remember that kick ass Tool album that also had a name you didn’t really know what to make of.

23 artists were invited to illustrate the artwork for the project. Artists and designers like Joshua Davis, Si Scott, Mike Cina, Michael Paul Young, Mate Steinforth, Matthew Curry, Nelson Balaban, Tom Muller, Motomichi Nakamura, Danny Franzreb, Robert Lindström, Andreas Pihlström, Chris Hewitt, Hello Hikimori, Sebastian Onufszak, Animatório, Colletivo, Nacionale, Unstru, Tomás Peña, João Oliveira, Peter Jaworowski, Umeric and Doomedo.

You can learn more about the release via Omega Code’s Facebook, MySpace, Orkut and Twitter.

Lets just get out with it already and call 2009 the year of the triangle.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Product of God

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Product of God has prints from all your favorite designers and illustrators and I didn’t do any legwork to find out but my guess if Big Active might have a hand in it. Just a guess though deduced by the list of artists. I am pretty fond of the Kate Gibb prints but my favorite one (above left) is already sold out.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Smile Maker

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Not really much of a site but a really fantastic click-through of some stellar layered posters at Smile Maker. They inspired me and made me want to get cracking on some new imagery. Good work. It made me smile (on the inside anyway).

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Value And Service

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Updates in the portfolio of Value And Service.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Expo Cooperative

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Cool work and website from Expo Cooperative. I love the simplicity. It all works together.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , , ,


Typographic Posters

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“we intend to become a good resource of graphic and typographic posters to serve all your research needs – either historical or inspirational.

or ideal is simple: feed and consume quality.

although posters may contain illustrative and photographical content, we catalog only those with notable graphical or typographical quality. just because we love the pure form of graphic design – shapes, types and colors.”

I stumbled across Typographic Posters a little over a week ago while looking for some inspiration for some of the prints I have been working on recently. It is a great resource and it looks like it will only get better. There is some really great work there to sift through and each click yields a reward. Thank you to it’s authors for curating such great content.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Snowblinded: Print Show

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Anthony (A.K.A. Snowblinded) emailed to let me know he will be having a solo show next week at The Shoppe in Denver. The Shoppe is run by two of the kindest and most wonderful people I know in Denver, Josh and Tran Wills. It is guaranteed to be a great event and a unique one is well. It is nice to see someone who leans more towards the graphic persuasion getting their due in Denver. I would love to see more shows like this. If you will be in town please make the time to stop by. I unfortunately will be attending my wife’s graduation for her Masters. Otherwise I would be there. So please go and give Anthony my best and tell him Changethethought sent you.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,