
Studio Blup: Updates

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Last but not least on this fine Friday is the updated websites and works of Studio Blup in London. There are some excellent new projects in the updated portfolio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Character SF

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Character is a San Francisco-based, independent creative agency with a passion for launching, rejuvenating and propelling brands. Our goal is to create lasting and meaningful relationships between our client’s brand and their audience through smart thinking and intelligent design.”

I was informed that Character likes to ‘fly under the radar’ but that might be hard to do with the portfolio they are developing. It’s worth talking about as there is some strong project work represented under the Character brand.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Till Wiedeck

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Graphic designer Till Wiedeck has recently updated with some exceptional new work including the fantastic album art for Troberg seen above.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Raccoon Nook

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With just this single new image created for the cover of Paper Diamond’s EP ‘Levitate’ all of my interest in Raccoon Nook’s work was completely restored. He is remarkably talented and one of those new and frightening breeds of creative capable of doing almost anything he sets his hand to and doing it with expertise.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Invisible Creature: Updates

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This is a friendly reminder not to forget about the downright knockdown dragout kickass studio known as Invisible Creature. We have been knee deep in motion design and 3D lately at our studio but seeing Invisible Creature’s new work makes me want to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty with print again. Their work has been an inspiration to me for several years now and every update to their portfolio yields a new source for that inspiration.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Cina for Ghostly Records

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Ghostly Records put up a great interview with artist and designer Michael Cina who is a rare breed of designer artist equally at home with a paint brush as he is with a mouse. Michael has done some truly amazing work for the label over the past few years and the interview digs into his working process and what drives his passion for art and design. He’s still a powerhouse of talent in the industry and has been a source of inspiration to us at Changethethought for several years now.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Leif Podhajsky: Updates Again

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I just can’t get enough of Leif Podhajsky and I don’t think I am the only one. It doesn’t make it easier that he is continually producing work from Tame Impala who has been one of my favorite bands in the past couple of years. They are lucky to have employed his skills while they could still afford them. He’s updated yet again with more work for the band that is again simple yet inspiring. I’d love a print of the above image.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Non-Format – Sanahunt Times

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Design house Non-Format updates yet again with notable work, this time for The Sanahunt Times as well as a few other new postings for various clients. As always, every piece posted to their portfolio is an inspiration unto itself.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Non-Format: Updates

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The notorious team that is Non-Format and by now needs no introduction in the design circle has updated yet again with some striking new project work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Animated Albums

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Animated Albums is a fun little time suck that is slightly excusable if you are a big music fan. It’s definitely a good time seeing some of my favorite albums animated and if ever there were an appropriate concept for an animated gif album covers seem like the right fit.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Leif Podhajsky does it again

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Designer Leif Podhajsky has been on a roll this year in a big way. He’s recently returned from working on the album art for the upcoming release from Lykke Li and recently posted some new work to his site for Tame Impala (I love that band). He’s one to keep an eye on in 2011 for sure.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Skinny Ships: Favorite 2010 Albums

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Richard Perez AKA Skinny Ships redesigned the album covers in his own style for his favorite records released in 2010. It’s a smart little self-promotional project that features some excellent us of typogrpahy.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Triboro Design Solutions

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Triboro is a design studio located in Brooklyn and consists of the husband and wife team of David Heasty and Stefanie Weigler. They have just relaunched their website where you will find a healthy portfolio of very well executed design project work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Leif Podhajsky: Updates

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Leif Podhajsky has informed us that he has once again updated with more of his unique surreal psychedelic mirrored visions. He’s continuing to explore his current style and it appears that he is still securing album art projects.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,



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Non-Format has updated yet again with a highly inspiration and as always amazingly considered album art project for Seeland.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Graphic designer Estudio Ritxi Ostáriz is located in the Basque town of Sopelana in at the north of Spain. He has some cleanly executed album art in his portfolio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Arcade Fire – Art

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I received an email a long time back from photographer Gabriel Jones sharing his photographs taken for the cover of Arcade Fire’s recent album ‘The Suburbs‘. Why I never posted it, I honestly have no idea. My interest in the subject was renewed after purchasing the album the week before. last. I honestly cannot stop listening to it. It’s one of the best albums I have purchased all year and it works as an entire album which is a rare thing to find these days. The songs combine to tell a story, relay an emotion and there is an arc in the storytelling if you stick with the album. It’s their best album yet and I didn’t think they could outdo their first but ‘The Suburbs’ is fantastic in my opinion.

So with that in mind, you can check out Gabriel’s photography for the album and also the artwork produced for the album by Caroline Robert. And when you are done viewing the art that went into the album you should consider purchasing a copy as well. You won’t be disappointed.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Leif Podhajsky – Once Again

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Alright, I know I posted Melbourne based graphic designer/illustrator Leif Podhajsky’s work not very long ago and have posted him at least twice now. I posted the last time he updated, but as far as I can tell he has done one more small update. Regardless, it has to be shared here because the work is just beautiful. I am really becoming a fan. At first when he was collaging imagery and experimenting, I thought his work had a spiritual angle that made it interesting but his newer work has matured a great deal. His use of color in some of his recent pieces is beautiful. Great stuff.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,