
A-Side Studio: Updates

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UK creative studio A-Side has updated with new work and a new site. There is a lot of different styles of design happening throughout their portfolio and it’s expertly executed.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Destill: Updates

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Southwest UK based Designer/Illustrator Mike Harrison has updated his portfolio with some colorful new work. There is some nice collage work for Nike featuring a cast of world famous athletes.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Pablo Alfieri: Updates

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Designer/illustrator Pablo Alfieri recently updated his Flickr-folio with some really fun new work. He is keeping his color palette bright and wild and still experimenting heavily with typography.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Rogerio Lionzo

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Brazilian Designer/Art Director /Illustrator Rogerio Lionzo is currently working at Syrup in New York City . While living in Brazil he was one of the founders and Art Directors at Mopa studio. He recently updated his website and portfolio with some new stylish and trendy project work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


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Greg Durrell updated his portfolio at ABRIEFHISTORYOF with some amazing work completed for the Olympics in Canada. The colorways, layouts and illustrations created for the rollout of the Canadian games is strikingly gorgeous and still amazingly clean and simple. It’s totally inspirational graphic design.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Lysergid: Updates

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Loïc J. Sattler has updated his ‘online sanctuary’ that he calls Lysergid with some sexy new work featuring attractive ladies interwoven into trippy collages. Looks like you got a little oil in your bum there sweetheart.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Kern the Word

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Kern the Word is the work of Christopher Branson, a young designer currently located in Denver. A few weeks back a care package arrived on my doorstep that included a t-shirt, business card, stickers and a couple of very nicely printed books. They were sent by Branson and I later ran into him at the Bordobello kickoff event in downtown Denver. I was really impressed by his intelligence and ambition. He’s going to go a long long way just as soon as someone opens the door to opportunity for him. It’s tough out there these days in the creative market and just about every other market but he is definitely someone who would add unique talent to any team. If I could swing it right now, I would grab him up myself. Hopefully in a few months I will be in the position to bring in some young talent. That’s always where the future is. You hearin’ me Denver ad agencies?

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Little Book of Shocking Food Facts

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Here is a brief description of The Little Book of Shocking Food Facts recently released under Fiell Publishing:

“Combining thought-provoking graphic imagery with truly alarming information culled from some of the most authoritative sources around the world, The Little Book of Shocking Food Facts is literally jam-packed with essential truths you need to know about global food politics, fast food culture and healthy nutrition. This startling yet visually stunning book is guaranteed to alter the way you think about food production, while also changing your personal eating habits for the better.”

The book was painstakingly designed, spread-by-spread by designer Craig Holden Feinberg. Craig studied at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and worked at Fabrica, The United Colors of Benetton Communications Research and Development Center in Treviso, Italy. Craig is a collective member of the Changethethought Creative Studio and is one of the most talented designers I have come across in Denver. I visited his apartment where he explained the creation of the books which took several months and involved literally concepting and creating each spread according to the fact meant for that particular layout. It was quite a process and Craig used everything he could think of including gathering up garbage, letting food rot, taking photos of his brother against a screen backdrop in his downtown apartment and putting just about anything you could imagine on his scanner.

The book itself is part of a larger series printed under Fiell publishing that involves communicating important facts and research in a digestible, visual way. Some remarkably talented designers and artists were involved in the creation of the books. You will be able to pick them up in places like the Museum of Modern Art for around 15 dollars. That’s a great deal for a book full of unique and timely art.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


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Graphic designer Estudio Ritxi Ostáriz is located in the Basque town of Sopelana in at the north of Spain. He has some cleanly executed album art in his portfolio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

2am Club

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2am Club is the work of John Fan who has spent time in the past at Logan, Blind and Motion Theory. He has a diverse portfolio of work displaying a wide array of talents that consistently deliver memorable results.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Mister Mista

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Mister Mista is a super fun clothing label producing some very well designed tee shirts for your little guys and gals. If your aesthetic leans toward the design side, your babies would look cute in these duds.

By the way, just sneaking this in here, my wife is officially pregnant and I am going to be a Papa in February of next year. So I am busting it hard right now trying to make the studio work so I can take care of my baby. But I am pretty excited to be a Dad especially with a wife that I love more than anything else in the entire world.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Erik Carter

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Graphic designer Erik Carter sent his clean portfolio of work in for us to look at a week or two back. It’s a simple body of work but manages a considered aesthetic that bodes well for future projects. The black and white is quite striking and I personally dig the work for Staple.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Inventory Studio

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London based design consultancy (I like that ‘design consultancy’ [note to self: call Ctt a ‘design consultancy’]) Inventory Studio has updated with a new website and have also put a heap of new work in their portfolio.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Bantjes Sets Sail

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Typographer Marian Bantjes was commissioned to design graphics to be printed on  a Laser sailboat for Wallpaper’s Handmade issue. The end result is a stunning little piece of floating design art and you can pick one up for £10,000 or so. I’d imagine they would make quite an impression on the water.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


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T-Post is the world’s first wearable magazine. It’s an interesting idea and there are some excellent shirts as a result available at the T-Post website. Each shirt is created by a different artist around a unique and timely topic. But I will let the video explain the rest.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Build: Holding Page Poster

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These posters designed by Build were originally created and printed for now-defunct Australian magazine Refill. And now you can buy one of the leftovers. It’s a hot-looking item and apparently supplies are limited so get your hustle on.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


PDC Creative

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Sydney based creative agency PDC Creative has some simply beautiful print and packaging work in their portfolio. They are equally skilled at presenting this work as well with closeup sexy graphic design print-porn photos that display a meticulous eye for detail..

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Masato Nakada

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Masato Nakada is a freelance graphic designer and a grad student at CalArts who is currently based in Valencia, California. The second that Nakada’s website loads into your browser you know it’s serious business as you are immediately invited into looking at an overview of an excellent body of graphic design work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,