Victor Alejandro Aguilar has some interesting work packed within his silky-smooth website. Just be sure to click on the images to see the detailed views.
Victor Alejandro Aguilar has some interesting work packed within his silky-smooth website. Just be sure to click on the images to see the detailed views.
Longtime interactive design hero-rockstar Joshua Davis has updated his website after a very very long time. Most the the updating consists of his now signature Flash-generative artwork. He has been around the block and is still standing. You can trace him all the way back to the internet will save the world boom in the late nineties through today. I remember watching an interview with him in college and being excited by the collision of art and technology and the influence of that collision on the future of design.
The question is, how relevant is he now? I personally still like some of what he is doing, but I am curious to prod the audience here for a little feedback. What do you think of him and his work now? Is it still on the bleeding edge or has he been overexposed?
I know I have seen the work of Chow Martin before but can’t seem to find any posts regarding his work. Regardless, there is some really fantastic black and white hand-rendered typography and illustration to be found in his portfolio. Really fantastic.
Oslo-based Norwegian design agency Anti yields an absolutely spectacular long scroll of beautiful design work at their website. Every piece in their book is fantastic.
A really nice set of silk-screen prints from Richard Perez hit the internets today via Etsy. I really dig them and someone was nice enough to email me a link today to let me know of their release. They are reasonably priced and would look pretty good on a while behind a turntable if you know what I’m sayin’.
There is some really great graphic design work in the portfolio of Alberto Rodríguez. I particularly love the message in the poster above. Good advice.
Chuck has updated NoPattern with his signature brightly glowing colorful work.
The t-shirt above kicks ass. I wonder how well the color reproduced on it.
There is some nice stuff in the newly updated portfolio of Alt Studio.
There is all kinds of interesting things happening at Merdanchik. All of which are really good.
Seatle-based Sasha Barr has some really nice screen printed poster work in his portfolio at This Is The New Year. All of the posters possess a really loving touch and he isn’t afraid to experiment with different styles which is great.
There are a few updates in the portfolio of Theo Gennitsakis.
Because Studio has updated with some clean and beautiful print and typographical work.
Holy crap. I discovered Chicago-based, Delicious Design League today while dropping in on Yewknee and was really blown away. They have created some phenomenal poster work, some of which is just downright beautiful. They made me want to start up a screen printing shop immediately. You can buy them too. It might be time to finally start a gig poster collection.
There is some really sharp corporate design for print and information graphics in the portfolio of Formvermittlung.
Matt Keers wrote in to let me know that he has updated with some crispy clean new work. I really like what he is doing. Serious graphic design talent.
Inksurge updates their book yet again with a few new bits of work.