
Linda Besemer

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The ‘paintings’ or rather sculptural paintings of Linda Besemer mind bend your mind a little in the way that they merge dimensionality, form and color all seamlessly into one piece that when viewed from multiple angles has an even more psychedelic effect on the viewer. Her work is currently on display at Galerie Richard in Paris.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Follow the Sun

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I missed this little diddy by MK12 for FITC. It’s pretty amazing if you visit the little micro-site for the piece and watch the making of and realize that they cell animated the piece. I am always impressed and amazed by motion shops that turn the key from 3d and After Effects into full on cell animation. It’s not an easy thing to do and MK12 did it in style.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Ash Thorp

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Ash Thorp has developed a wealth of visuals while working for Prologue Films and has managed to amass the kind of portfolio that will have many frothing at the mouths, both out of jealously over his insane talent and the kind of top billing projects he has managed to work on. Dig into his portfolio and prepare to be inspired.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Mr. Hipp

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Dan Hipp draws a lot and in doing so has managed to develop a style all his own. That style has landed on the pages of EAL SIMPLE, WIRED, DC Comics, Image Comics, Random House, and several other major publishers. It’s bright, it’s colorful and it’s a ton of fun often drawing on highly likable pop culture references. Oh and his portfolio is updated frequently.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

Miles Donovan: Updates

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There is some nice new updates to the portfolio of illustrator Miles Donovan. I really dig his style. It’s simple and it’s definitely Photoshop but it somehow manages to avoid the pitfalls of appearing over digital and still feels very ‘printerly’.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Tang Yau Hoong

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Illustrator Tang Yau Hoong has a pretty nifty little shop of prints to choose from. Some of them are very conceptual, they are all different and there are a few gems to be plucked.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Connor Willumsen: Updates

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There is some way good and way strange illustration work in the Flickrfolio of Canadian illustrator Connor Willumsen. The interesting thing is how different all of it is. Like he approaches each image, one at a time and just goes for it.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Luis Vicente Hernandez

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Luis Vicente Hernandez has some slick work that makes a bold use of color in a portfolio primarily comprised of work for skateboarding, fashion and music clients. That’s not a bad lineup.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


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“After running on over 100 festivals BOB finally reached Vimeo with his little running wheel. We would like to thank everyone who enjoyed the film, voted for us on festivals and gave us a laugh during the screenings. It’s an incredible feeling to make people happy.

This was the first time we created an 3d animated movie during our studies at the Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg and we would have never thought that it became that successful.

There are a lot of things we would have done differently nowadays but for a small team, six months and almost no knowledge of the software, we are proud with the result and finally want to share it with everyone.”

BOB: Tom Zahner
student producer: Anna Matacz
director: Jacob Frey & Harry Fast
script: Jacob Frey & Stefanie Ren
character design: Harry Fast
lighting & rendering: Michael Lederhuber
music: Karol Obara
sounddesign: Marco Manzo

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Yanni Floros

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Yanni Floros is an Adelaide based artist that trained at the National Art School in Sydney and graduated as a sculpture major. Perhaps this helps to explain how he can literally sculpt his drawings created with the use of a charcoal pencil generating imagery that truly jumps right off of the page. Prepare yourself for some amazing talent.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Gers Pardoel: Ik Neem Je Mee

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Job, Joris and Marieke created this great little animated video for hip hop artist’s Gers Pardoel single Ik Neem Je Mee.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Brosmind: Updates

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Barcelona based brothers Juan and Alejandro Mingarro are Brosmind. I have posted their work here before but it appears they have since updated with some more fun and playful vector illustration work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,

George Nova

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George Nova is a young Australian artist and designer with a skilled hand at producing graphite and watercolor illustrations. His imagery is clean, to the point and a helluva a lot of fun to look at.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

Doubleday & Cartwright

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Doubleday & Cartwright is a media and design agency with a specialization in sport and culture. Our successes have been various: designing a garment customization space for Nike, turning a baseball legend into a viral and film festival sensation, helping a groundbreaking nutritional juice cleanse grow into a category killer. We participate in the product and content marketplace as both actors and advisors. So we know what it takes to make noise, capture attention, move units, and we offer clients the same excellence that we demand from ourselves on our own time.”

They possess a varied and accomplished portfolio of project work.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Steve Jobs 1955-2011

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You can say whatever you want to say about the current global economy. You can say these are hard times. You can say that the balance of power has tipped to far towards a few who have too much while the rest with much less have been made to suffer. But there are very few individuals within this framework you could single out for having made an impact completely on their own. An impact that opened new doors and allowed access into a new kind of freedom within an age of digital communication.

I have worked on an Apple computer for a better part of my life. I would say more than 15 years and maybe even more like 20. I have fed my family, built my business and communicated with people all over the world through the devices that Steve Jobs’ company help shepherd into existence. I feel in a very strange way that I owe him a bit of what I have accomplished for providing me with a platform to create, feed and express myself.

Technology is freedom. It levels the field and opens a door through which we can communicate without borders and in real time. Steve Jobs helped open many of those doors for us. He was in that regard a true pioneer.

With the utmost respect we express our gratitude and also our condolences for his passing on October 5th, 2011. He will forever be remembered as a person who was not afraid to ‘Think Different’ and changed the world because of it.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Eye Sea Posters

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Wow. Eye Sea Posters is pretty awesome. It’s a website that archives genuine original film posters from obscure movies released all over Europe throughout the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s. There are some fantastic posters up for sale at very reasonable prices if you are a collector and there is more than enough to take in for inspirations sake if you are a curious designer.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,

S. MacKay-Smith

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Please let me introduce you to the wild world of the very talented illustrator and concept artist S. MacKay-Smith. It’s a little dark but the talent is undeniable.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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I finally bought myself a Cintiq. It’s awesome. That’s all I have to say about that. I have been experimenting with creating my own brushes and have settled on a little pack that allows me to generate some imagery that feels like it’s been inked even when viewed up close as a printed piece. Being able to draw directly onto the screen and into the computer takes a little getting used to. It’s taken me about 3 weeks to adjust but I have settled in now and it’s totally changed how I illustrate. Now I don’t think I could live without it.

I just did this the other day and thought it turned out kinda neat. Thought I’d share it with you.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,