
Gavin Potenza: Updates

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Young illustrator Gavin Potenza has put up several new examples of his illustration work since I last dropped in on him a long while back. Some of which are definitely worth checking out.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Alva-Alva: Updates

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Lisbon based design studio Alva-Alva has been updating their Flickr-folio with work lately including some very nice album art for ‘Paus’. There have been a few small updates to their home website as well and their work is always good to drop in on from time to time for inspiration’s sake.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Wesley Eggebrecht

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Wow, I stumbled up the Behance sketchbook of illustrator Wesley Eggebrecht and was very impressed. He has an amazing style and imagination. It made me excited to pick up the pencil and just go for it. You can see a few more examples of his work in the rest of his Behance folio and he also has a website, but to be perfectly honest the rawness of his sketches and his intuitive style was what I was most taken by.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Silence Telivision

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Silence Television is the work of Gianmarco Magnani. His portfolio consists of digital illustrations printed on premium matte 270 gm photo paper. Each print is covered with a clear film that help slow fading of the inks and give the print a matte finish. Each print is numbered and limited to only 10 copies.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Nicholas Bohac

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Nicholas Bohac live and works in the Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco. He works with printmaking methods and acrylic based media to create his paintings and drawings whose subject matter is the ecological climate that we live in today.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


RIP – John Lennon

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29 years ago today this news shocked the world:

On the night of 8 December 1980, at around 10:50 pm, Mark David Chapman shot Lennon in the back four times in the entrance of the Dakota apartment building. Earlier that evening, Lennon had autographed a copy of Double Fantasy for Chapman who had been stalking Lennon since October.

It’s true that we kill our prophets and Lennon was no exception. As Lennon traveled the road of fame and fortune he began to see the world for what it was. An entire generation awakened with him realizing that the world must be changed. Although the tide rose toward genuine social and spiritual change in the 60’s, that wave rolled back never quite reaching the shore.

Lennon’s memory lives on and his dreams of peace can still be realized by our generation. It’s not too late. We just have to want it and act.

Rest in peace John. Your memory lives on.

written by Christopher | tags: , , , ,


Betsy VanLangen

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Betsy VanLangen

I’m very excited to share the work of a close friend, Betsy VanLangen! Her body of work is visually stunning, and constantly refreshing with transitions from dark and arresting, to loud, bright and colorful images. Betsy is fascinated with the body, and while a large amount of her work is self portraiture, she is constantly exploring new tactics to express herself as a contemporary artist. Betsy is currently working towards her masters degree at Rutgers University, where she continues to develop her experimental style of photography.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Benjamin Steiger Levine

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Benjamin Steiger Levine

One of the newest ADC Young Guns, Benjamin Steiger Levine produces some of the most captivating video and cinematic work I’ve seen in such a long time. Inventive, fresh, and paired with music tracks of equal spark. While his website is limited in content, this is a perfect example of quality over quantity. If you know more about Levine, please share!

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Andreas Gefeller

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andreas gefeller

The photography of German photographer Andreas Gefeller is mechanical, strategic, elaborate, and downright “I-wish-I-had-thought-of-it-first!” His ability to deliver such extensive studies speaks volumes as a contemporary artist. Featured here is part of his series, Supervisions.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Mattijn Franssen

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Self taught oil painter, illustrator and photographer, Mattijn Franssen has developed a magnificent catalogue of work, most specifically his fanciful photo montage work! He also maintains a Flickr page thats worth a look.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,



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Barcelona-based Toormix is an all around solid and fresh design studio, focusing on branding, editorial, way finding and environmental graphic design. Their lengthy and complex website definitely speaks to their apparent design sensibilities, with a really smart interface. Also, now I really want to produce a newsprint zine!

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Atomic Attack

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Atomic Attack is the personal website and work of Calvin Ho. He founded Atomic Attack in 1997 and has since worked on a wide array of projects for numerous clients.

written by Christopher | tags: , ,


Alex Trochut: Updates

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Alex Trochut

The infinitely-talented Alex Trochut updates his golden portfolio once again! There seems to be a lot more experimenting with texture and organic form in this new batch of work – very fascinating, and hopefully a taste of more to come!

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Dave Hill Photo Updates

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I’m always blown away by the work of Dave Hill, and with a brand spanking new website – and lots and lots of fresh new work – I’ll be spending most of my afternoon wiping drool from my chin! My favorite thing about Dave Hill is his willingness to disclose his best kept secrets to his fans with plenty of behind-the-scenes footage. It’s a really great way for photography enthusiasts to study lighting position and proper equipment usage!

written by Christopher | tags: , ,



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lucy and bart

LucyandBart is a collaboration between Lucy McRae and Bart Hess described as an instinctual stalking of fashion, architecture, performance and the body. They share a fascination with genetic manipulation and beauty expression. Unconsciously their work touches upon these themes, however it is not their intention to communicate this. They work in a primitive and limitless way creating future human shapes, blindly discovering low – tech prosthetic ways for human enhancement.”

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Jessica Lynn White

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Jessica Lynn White

A very talented and ambitious designer from Baltimore, Jessica Lynn White has a wide variety of experimental work in her portfolio, ranging from interior design to print graphics. Jessica seems to have developed an intriguing style of her own, and has already spent a lot of quality time polishing her skills under the guidance of renowned designer, Jonathan Adler! Working alongside Jessica, I can attest to her abilities and am very excited to see where her inventive personality takes her!


written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Inside Piet

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Piet Dewijngaert is a Flash Developer out of Leuven, Belgium whose website has to be more experienced than just viewed. It’s bizarre and maybe even a little irritating but there is no arguing that he is using the website itself as an artistic canvas to literally paint his Flash into.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,


Tami Churns

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Tami Churns

Just received word that good friend, Tami Churns has a new website put together – it is gorgeous! The site itself is a true breath of fresh air, and the work that’s featured makes me endlessly jealous. Just another taste of the kind of design that’s coming out of Baltimore right now.

I’m telling you… look out.

written by Christopher | tags: , , ,